Next Stop: Nicosia & Limassol (Cyprus)

Mul on hetkel käimas väga intensiivne reisimise aeg, sest tahaks enne kodu veel nii palju kui võimalik näha, seega peate täna leppima jälle ühe järjekordse reisipostitusega, kuid vahelduse mõttes hüppame Kreekast välja Küprosele, mis tegelikult on nagu Kreeka, lihtsalt väiksem, puhtam ja organiseeritum. 
Let's begin! 

Nikosia ja Limassol, Küpros

Reisi kestvus:
Kokku veetsin Küprosel 4 täispikka päeva (5 päeva ja 4 ööd), millest Nikosias veetsin pool päeva ning Limassolis mõned ööd, kuid linna avastasin ühel päeval. 

Sihtkohta reisimine:
Küprosele lendasin Thessalonikist Ryanairiga, piletid maksid umbes 50-60€, kuid nende puhul kasutasin oma 80€ Ryanair voucherit, mis mulle ühe Santorini reisi otsa tühistamise puhul anti. Kuna voucheri eest ei saanud osta kahte erinevat reisi (alguses oli plaan selle eest ka Bulgaaria piletid osta), siis lisasin juurde ka priority teenuse, ma ei tea, mis imeasju ma sellelt ootasin aga seda (vähest) raha see teenus küll väärt ei ole, sain küll järjekorrast varem ette, aga bussis, mis viis lennukisse, olin ikka kõigi teistega koos ja sain samal ajal lennukisse. 
Nikosia: Nikosiasse (esimesse linna, mida avastama asusin) alustasin oma teekonda Pafoselt, kus maandus lennuk. Pafosel on kaks peamist bussijaama- linnaliini bussijaam, mis on vanalinnas sadama juures (Kato) ja kaugliinide bussijaam (Karavella), mis on kõvasti üleval pool ja täiesti organiseerimata, õnneks aitab suur plakat koos sihtkohatade ja ajakavaga olukorda siluda. Lennujaamast lähevad bussid mõlemasse bussijaama, kuid linnaliini omasse tihedamini, ajakava leiab SIIT (Katosse buss 612, Karavellasse 613). Linnalinni bussijaamast saab teise bussijaama bussiga nr 618 (linnaliini bussijaamas on olemas kenad töötajad ja inglise keelsed sildid, mis seletavad kõik marssruudid ära), üheotsa pilet maksab 1,50€, rahvusvahelised õpilaspiletid ei kehti. Pilet Pafoselt Nikosiasse maksis 7€ (täiskasvnutele) ja sõit kestis u 2 tundi, pileti saab osta bussijuhi käest. Buss on täiesti tavaline, seega lõbustama peab ennast seal ise. Ajakava kõikide liinide kohta leiab SIIT
Limassol: Limassolli sõitsin juba samal õhtul peale mõnetunnist avastamist Nikosias, buss väljus peaterminalist, sealt, kuhu ka Pafose buss mind toonud oli. Sama süsteemi eeldasin ka Limassolli puhul- viimane peatus on peamine bussijaam, oh boy how wrong I was, tuleb välja, et Limassollis pole sellist ühte suurt bussijaama ja niimoodi sõitsingi ma kenasti õigetest peatusest mööda ja lõpetasin linna ääres uues sadamas, õnneks tänu lahketele inimestele sain buss nr 30ga (üks ots linnaliini bussis maksab 1,50€) rajale uuesti tagasi. Kui teil on ööbimine kesklinnas või vanalinnas, siis kindlasti küsige maha varem, näiteks vana sadama juures. Halb on ka see, et bussipeatusi peaks justkui ise teadma, sest bussijuht neid ei karju, samuti on neid Limassollis raske leida, sest tihti pole need ära tähistatud ja bussifirma leheküljel oleks pooled bussipeatused kaardilt justkui puudu. Bussipilet Nikosiast Limassolli maksis 5€ ja sõit kestis 1,5 tundi. 

Kohalik eripära: 
Aastatel 1878-1912, peale Ottomanide valitsemist, läks Küpros Inglise koloonia alla, mis kohalike sõnul aitas kohalikku elu edendada päris hästi, näiteks luua hea teedevõrk (jess, ei olnudki väänlevaid teid mööda rannikut, mis mul tavaliselt südame pahaks ajavad). Tänu sellele on Küprosel ja vaskpoolne liiklus ning nende pistikupesad on kahe augu asemel kolme auguga. 
Nikosia: Nikosia on Euroopas ainuke järele jäänud pealinn, mis on jagatud pooleks kahe erineva riigi vahel- Küprose ning Põhja-Küprose Türgi Vabariigi, kuigi viimast tunnistab ainult Türgi Vabariik, siis reaalselt ongi Küprosel kaks riiki. Piiri ületada on lihtne, tuleb näidata vaid dokumenti, pole vaja viisat ja kuigi ma kasutasin passi, sest lootsin Türgile kohaselt templit saada, siis tegelikuses templeid ei jagata, seega arvan, et piisab ka ID-kaardist. Teise suurima rahvana ongi Nikosias palju türklasi.
Limassol: Kuigi olen olnud palju suurtemates linnades, oli mul Limassollis eriline lühis ning minu jaoks oli orienteerumine seal kuidagi raske- internetipuudus, kinnised turistipunktid ja vähene kodune uurimine tegid oma töö. Kui ma linnast sain päeva lõpuks aru, siis busside süsteemiga tuli maadelda iga päev, sest need bussipeatused olid lihtsalt nii halvasti märgitud. Minu jaoks oli Limassol ka täielik venelaste kuurort, neid ikka jagus igalepoole. Hoolimata mõnest viperusest oli Limassol minu jaoks kõige ilusam linn Küprosel, mul on ääretult hea meel, et just sinna võtsin oma peamise ööbimise, aitäh Giannisele heade soovituste eest!  

Küprosel ööbisin vaid kahes kohas, Pafosel ning Limassollis, enamus öödest (3) veetsin Limassollis. Seekord olin hostelis nimega Trip Yard Limassol. Ohhohooo, iseenesest oli ju väga okei koht- pildid vastavad reaalsusele, vannitoad olid megailusad ja aed tundus mõnus, köögis sai ise süüa teha ja ega ka tubadel midagi viga polnud. AGA. Koht ise oli küll üpris kesklinnas, kuid sutsu raske leida ja töötajad... mulle tundus, et ühtegi kohalikku seal ei töötanud, vähemalt nii külastajate kui teeninduse poolt kuulsin ma rohkem vene kui inglise keelt, ärge saage valesti aru, mul ei ole üldiselt venelaste vastu mitte midagi, aga kui mulle tuleb töötaja peale lockeri võtme deposiidi (3€) maksimist seletama, et lockeri võtmed on kadunud, sest see on hostel ja noh lihtsalt juhtub (pärast peale kolmandat töötajat ikkagi sain võtme); või kui nad täpselt ise ka ei teadnud, kus miski on või kuidas midagi korraldada; või ei osanud vastata tüüpilistele turisti küsimustele a'la, kus printida saab; või kui peale check-outi saadetakse mulle kaudu kiri ja küsitakse kas ma ikka üldse ööbisin seal, sest neil justkui pole mu check-ini kirjas, siis andke andkes, aga mis asi seal toimus??? Samuti ei meeldinud mulle see, et receptionis istusid peale töötajate ka suvalised inimesed ja töötajad ise olid pidevalt kadunud ja ega nad külalistest väga ei eristunud ka, seega oli nende leidmine eriti raske. Sellesuhtes pole siin rahvustega midagi pistmist, ma oleks igast rahvusest inimeste peale pahane, seekord juhtusid sekka lihtsalt mõned venelased ka (ma arvan, et töötajad oli erinevast rahvusest). Kolme öö eest maksin 10 kohaga toas (tegelikult oli 8 kohta) kokku 36€ (millegipärast ei näita enam nende hinda mu bookimistes- võimalik kustutamine hosteli poolt?). Nagu ma ütlesin, kõik oli justkui okei, aga kuna teenindus tõmbas kogu asja minu jaoks nii alla, siis 10-st punktist saab see koht 4. 

Nikosia: Minu jaoks olid enamus kohad, mida näha, vanalinnas ja just Türgi poolel, bussijaamast on vanalinna vaid mõned sammud astuda, mis andis mulle ka rohkem aega avastamiseks. Erilisteks lemmikuteks olid seekord Selimiye Mošee (St.Sophia Cathedral) ja Büyük Hani turg. Panen südamele, et hoolimata teisest usust või kommetest oleks viisakas kanda meestel mošeesse sisenemisel pikki pükse ning naistel pikka seelikut ja peas rätikut (nii et juukseid näha pole), samuti tuleb jalast võtta ära jalanõud. Peale mõnda aega elamist Türgis on minu jaoks nii häiriv, kui naised marsivad mošeesse sisse nii, kuidas ise tahavad, jah, sa ei ole moslem ja ei usu nende uskumisi, aga siis pole vaja ka nende pühadesse ehitistesse minna, kui viisakalt olla ei oska, tihti ei mängi siin rolli teadmatus, vaid hoolimatus, sest enamus turistide poolt külastatavates mošeedes on suured sildid, kuidas oleks viisakas riietuda. Üldiselt teen mina reisimistel päevaplaanid ette ning kui tean juba hommikul, et on mošeesse minek, siis panen selga vastavad riided ja võtan rätiku kaasa, mõnes kohas saab rätikuid ka kohepealt laenutada, näiteks Istanbulis Sinises mošees. Sedasorti turuhoone/plats oli aga minu jaoks midagi uut, mida ma ka Türgis pole varem näinud (tegelikult on seal ka selliseid, lihtsalt mina ei ole juhtunud nendesse), kindlasti väärib külastamist! Seevastu Dervish Pasha maja  ja The Archbishop's Palace olid küll täielik pettumus. 
Limassol: Ka Limassolis on enamus turistidele mõeldud kohad just vanalinnas, mina soovitan lihtsalt ringi jalutada, kui mul kaarti pole, töötab see minu puhul imehästi, võtan enam-vähem õige suuna, kuulan sisetunnet ja hops tulevad järjest kõik kohad, mida näha tahan, ma loodan et ma nüüd midagi ära ei sõnunud... Vanalinnast leiab nii mõnusaid ajaloolisi ehitisi, hipsteri vaimuga söögiplatse kui ka hubaseid kitsaid tänavad. Minu lemmikuks ostus aga vana sadam ja sealt mööda merd jooksev palmipuudega tähistatud promenaad, nii mõnus ja suvine tunne tekkis seal! Küprosel on ka palju ilusaid kohti, mis jäävad linnast välja ja kuhu saab tihti vaid autoga, üheks selliseks kohaks on Limassoli lähedal asuv Lefkara küla, mida peetakse ka üheks ilusaimaks Euroopas. Kuna minu kohalikul sõbral on elus praegu väga kiire periood ja mul endal lube ei ole, siis kahjuks jäigi sinna (ja paljudesse teistesse kohtadesse) minemata, aga see-eest nautisin aega Limassolis väga! 

Nikosia: Ausalt öeldes ei olnud mul terve reisi jooksul erilist söögiisu, kõht kuidagi ei saanud toiduga läbi ja tavaliselt palavate ilmadega sööngi vähem, seega ei jõudnudki ma Nikosias sööma, vaid leppisin Pafoselt poest ostetud saiakestega.
Limassol: Ka Limassolis toitusin enamus ajast toidupoe söögist, kuid paar korda õnnestus mul ka väljas käia. Näiteks einestasin ühel hommikul koos kohalike sõpradega mereäärses kohvikus nimega Caffe Nero, seal söödud soe kanavõileib oli imeline! Tegelikult oli esimene plaan tollel hommikul minna vanas sadamas asuvasse Pier One'i, aga kuna meiega oli kaasas imearmas kutsa, siis pidime valima õuekohviku, küll aga läksin tagasi sinna viimasel hommikul, Google ütles, et nad avavad kell 9.30, tegelikuses vaatasid kell 10 mulle kõik üllatunult otsa ja ütlesid, et ehk 30 minuti pärast jõuaksid nad mulle kohvi serveerida, nii palju mul kahjuks aega polnud, seega tuli leppida tagasihoidlikuma koha ja keskpärase toiduga vana sadama La Croissanteries. Ühel õhtul otsustasin einestada vanalinnas asuvas hipsteri hoodis (Saripolou väljak), mis sarnaneb meie Telliskivile, peatusin kohas nimega Salut Bar & Grill , kahjuks panind nad liiga kalli 
gyrose (7€, tavaliselt jääb hind 3-4€ kanti) sisse liiga vähe kastet ja liiga palju mingisugust rohelist ürti, mis mulle kohe üldse ei maitsenud, seega pidin hakkama saama vaid kõrvale pakud friikartulitega. 

Vaba aeg:
Nikosia: Ausalt öeldes ei oska ma midagi erilist soovitada, sest ma ise veetsin seal vaid mõned tunnid ja kõik need kulusid turistikohtade ülevaatamisele. Natukene poodlesin vanalinna peatänaval ka. Kuid lugesin kuskilt arvustusest Hamam Omerye kohta, mis pidi hea ja huvitav olema, kahjuks ei oska ma ise sellele täpset hinnangut anda, kuid üle oleks tahtnud vaadata küll.
Limassol: Ka Limassolis kulus mu aeg enamasti ringi rändamiseks ja uute ettevalmistamisteks, siiski jäi vana sadama ja ööbimikoha vahele ka poodlemise tänav, kust ma endale uue dressipluusi skoorisin. Limassoli lähedal asub väikesm soolajärv (suurem on Larnacas, millest räägin järgmises postituses), kust õnnekorral võib novemberis/detsemberis (enne suuri vihmasid, sest siis kolitakse Larnacasse üle) flamingosid leida. 

Mul on ääretult hea meel, kui Sa selle kõik läbi lugesid ja lõppu jõudsid! Täpselt pool reisist on läbi ning teise poole koos kohtumistest flamingodega ja väljakutsetega Pafoses üritan ka ruttu teieni tuua!

PS! Ära unusta vaatamast mu seiklusi ka videovahendusel SIIT

Müür kahe riigi vahel // The wall between of two countries

Right now I am having a very intensive time of travelling, because before home I'd like to see as much as I can, so today I am sharing again one travel post, but at this time let's go out from Greece and check out what's Cyprus is offering. Actually Cyprus is like Greece, but just smaller, cleaner and more organized.
Let's begin! 

Nicosia and Limassol, Cyprus

Duration of Trip:
In Cyprus I was 4 full days (5 days and 4 nights), in Nicosia I spend only half of the day, although I spend most of the night in Limassol I walked around there only for one day. 

Travelling to Destination:
I went from Thessaloniki to Cyprus (Paphos) with Ryanair plane, tickets costed around 50-60€, but I used my 80€ voucher, which I got when Ryainair cancelled one of my Santorini (trip) flights. As there was no possibility to buy tickets for two different trips (I also wanted to buy Bulgaria tickets), then I added priority service, I don't know what I was expecting, but it was nothing special, for sure I wouldn't waste my money on that, although it's not costing a lot- yes, they checked my ticket first, but in the end I was still in the same airport bus (the one which is going from airport to airplane) with all other people. 
Nicosia: I went to Nicosia (the first city where I started my real trip) from Paphos. In Paphos there's two main bus station- the city buses station (Kato), which in next to port and the long distance buses station (Karavella), which is in other place (upper down) and which is also completely unorganized, luckily the timetable helps to have some information about the buses. From airport it is possible to go to both of these stations, but usually they are going to city buses one, you can find the timetable from HERE (Kato bus is nr 612, Karavella one is 613). Between of those two bus stations rides bus nr 618, in city buses station there's also nice staff and posteres which are helping to find the right buses for all important places. One way ticket costs 1,50€, they don't accept international student cards. Ticket from Paphos to Nicosia costed 7€ (for adults) and it took around 2 hours to get there, only bus drivers are selling the tickets. The buses are very simple ones, so you need to find entertainment by your own. The timetables about all long distance busses are in HERE
Limassol: After a couple hours of walking in Nicosia I went to Limassol, the bus to there went from the main bus station of Nicosia (from the same one, where the Paphos bus stopped). I thought that the same system is also in Limassol- the last stop will be in main one, oh boy how wrong I was. It came out, that there is no big bus station in Limassol, so I passed the right stops and ended up in middle of nowhere (read: in new port), luckily thanks to lovely people I ride back to city with bus nr 30 (one way costed 1,50€) and found the right track. If you have accommodation is city center or in old town, then for sure ask stop earlier, for example somewhere near of old port. The bad thing is that the bus driver don't tell where are the stops, so you kind of need to know them by yourself, also it is super hard to find them in Limassol, because a lot of stops are without signs and on the page of bus company there's some bus stops missing on the map. Ticket from Nicosia to Limassol costed 5€ and it took 1,5 hours to get there. 

About Local Life: 
In 1878-1912, after of being under Ottoman Empire, Cyprus became a British colony, which helped to improved the local life (at least the locals said like that), for example thanks to that they have good roads (yay, no curvy ones next of sea, which usually makes me sick). Thanks to that time they also have a left hand traffic and they have different plugs. 
Nicosia: Nicosia is the only capital in Europe which is divided half by two different countries- by Cyprus and by Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, although the last one is approved only from Turkey then there's actually really two different countries. It's easy to cross the board, you don't need any visa, just a document, I used passport, because I thought that with only that one it's possible to do it and I also hoped to get the stamp which in Turkey board they are giving, but they didn't do it, so I guess the ID-card is also okay. Thanks to that two country system there's a lot of Turkish people in Nicosia. 
Limassol: Although I have been in much bigger cities that Limassol, then in there I had some kind of problem to orientate, was it because of no Internet, closed tourist infomation places or poor home work, I don't know, but it was pretty difficult to understand where I am. But in the end of day I was already pretty good, only those bus stops gave me an head ache- the system was just very bad in there. For me Limassol was also a total paradise for Russians, they just were everywhere in there. Although I had some pretty annoying problems in there (I mean busses), then for me it was the prettiest city in Cyprus, I am so glad that I had the main accommodation in there, thank you Giannis of recommending this city! 

I had accommodation in two cities, in Paphos and in Limassol, most of the nights (3) I was in Limassol. At this time I was in hostel called Trip Yard Limassol. Ummmmm, well... it was a okay place- the photos and reality were same, there was a big kitchen, rooms were okay and garden seemed to be cozy. BUT. Although the house was in the city center, it was a pretty hard to find it and the workers.... I have a feeling that there weren't any locals, at least I heard Russian more than English, don't get me wrong, usually I don't have any bad feelings against Russians, but if a worker says to me after paying deposit (3€) of the locker key, that the keys are missing because it's a hostel and well it just happens (after third worker I got the key); or if they don't know what they are doing, like where are the things and so on; or they don't have answers to usual tourists questions like "where I can print"; or when after check-out I am getting a letter trough, where they are asking did I staied in the place, because they are not sure, then I am sorry but what the hell is happening??? I also didn't like that besides of staff there were sitting random people in reception, the staff looked liked guests (without signs or smt), they were missing all the time, so it was extra hard to find them. Ofc there is nothing to do with nations, I would be angry with every person, who would do something like that, just at this time there were some Russians (and probably some other people, too). 3 nights in 10 people room (actually there were 8 places) costed 36€ (the doese'nt show me price anymore- is it possible that hostel deleted my booking?). Anyway as I said, everything was kind of okay, but as I didn't like the staff, then from 10 points I am giving 4. 

Nicosia: For me most of the places, what to see, were in old town and in Turkish side. Luckily bus station was super close to the old town so I had more time to look around. My favourite places were Selimiye Mosque and Büyük Han market. I want to remind that despite of different religions or traditions it is obligated to wear  for men in mosque long trousers and for women long skirts and scarfs (all hair needs to be covered), also you have to take your shoes off. After a some time living in Turkey I feel so bad when I see someone to not allow to those rules, in Nicosia there was one girl who didn't wear scarf for example, yes, you may not be moslem and you don't believe what they do, but then don't go these kind of places if you can't obey the rules. I am pretty sure that at least half of the time people are just lazy, not without knowledge, because many mosques has a signs in front of the entrance how to dress properly. Most of the time, when I am travelling, I have a day plan, so if I already know that I want to visit mosque, I am dressing according to that and taking scarf with me, in some places they are also loaning scarves, for example in Istanbul Blue Mosque. But the market was something completely new for me, I know that in Turkey they have them too, but it was my first time to see it, a lovely place what to visit for sure! The house of Dervish Pasha  and The Archbishop's Palace were completely dissanpointements. 
Limassol: In Limassol also most of the sightseers are in old town , I just recommend to walk around, if I don't have a map, then I am taking kind of right direction, listening my inner voice and usually the right places just are coming to my road, well... I hope that it will still work after I said it out. In old town there's a nice historical buildings, eating places full of hipster vibe and cute narrow streets. But my favourite places were old port and the promenade, which was next to sea and where were a lot of palm trees, oh it was so nice! There's also a lot of beautiful places out of town (I mean all over the Cyprus), but a lot of them requires a car, one of these kind of place is Lefkara village, which is also one of the most prettiest village in Europe. As my local friend has a crazy times in his life now and I don't have licenses, then unfortunately I couldn't go there (and to lot of other places), but at least I enjoyed my time in Limasol a lot! Really, my favoutite city in Cyprus! 

Place to Eat:
Nicosia: Actually I had some small problems with my stomach during the trip, so I didn't go so many food places and ate more store and bakery snacks, the same happened in Nicosia where I ate only my Paphos food store pies. 
Limassol: Also in Limassol I ate mostly the store food, but a couple of times I went out to eat. For example in one morning we had a breakfast with local friends next to sea in Caffe Nero, the chicken sandwich was amazing in there! Actually our first plan was to go to super cool place called Pier One which is in the old port, but as we had a super cute dog with us then we needed to find some other place. I went back to there in my last morning, Google said that they are opening in 9.30 am, but in reality at 10.00 am and  they still weren't ready to serve, sadly I didn't had more time to wait so I found a much simple old port place called La Croissanteries, the food in there was avarege and a bit expensive. In one evening I decided to have a dinner in hipster hood (Saripolou square) which is in old town, it looks a bit like a Telliskivi hood in Estonia, I stopped by in Salut Bar & Grill, unfortunately their gyros was way too expensive (7€, usually it is 3-4€), it was basically without sauce and they added there some kind of green stuff, which I didn't like at all, so I basically ate just the french fries what they served with that. 

Free Time:
Nicosia: Honestly I don't have anything to recommend, because I was there only a couple of hours and I used that time to visit the sightseers. I also shopped a bit in old down main street. From somewhere I read the recommendation about Hamam Omerye, it looks interesting and I would like to go there, but as I don't have experiences then I can't say nothing more about that. 
Limassol: Also in Limassol most of the time I was walking around or made preparations for new cities, but as between of old port and my accommodation place there was a shopping street then I found a new cool sweatshirt from there! Near of Limassol there's a small salt lake (the bigger one is on Larnaca, which I am going talking about in next post), sometimes in November/December, before the raining period, the flamingos will stop first in there and after they will go to Larnaca salt lake. 

I am so happy that you read all that text, thank you! So the half of the Cyprus trip is over, in the other half I will talk about my meeting with flamingos and how I completed my challenges in Paphos. 
See you soon!

PS! Don't forget to watch the vlog about that crazy trip, you can find it in HERE

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