Next Stop: Meteora & Olympus

Kas olete esimeseks põhjalikumaks Kreeka ringreisiks valmis? Mina igastahes olen ja loodan, et sellised postitused pakuvad teile huvi ning loodetavasti on abiks nii mõnelgi reisi planeerimisel. Nagu ma juba eelmises postituses mainisin, siis eelmisel nädal tuli mulle peiks külla ning selle puhul otsustasime Põhja-Kreekas veidi ringi reisida. Nädalasse mahtus nii matkamist kui ka lõõgastust ja täna tulebki juttu just matkamise poolest. 
Have fun! 

Meteora kanjon (Kalambaka küla) ja Olympuse mägi (Litochoro küla), Kreeka 

Reisi kestvus:
Mõlemas kohas olime ühe öö. 

Sihtkohta reisimine:
Meteora: Meteora oli meie reisi esimene sihtpunkt, sinna liikusime rongiga Thessalonikist. Esialgne plaan oli osta piletid internetist, kuid seda süsteem meil teha ei laskunud (näitas, et justkui oleks piletid väljamüüdud), seega otsusasime minna riski peale ja osta piletid rongijaamast, õnneks olid need saadaval (noorele 18€ ja üle 24-aastasele 24€), ka ülejäänud piletid ostsime kõik kohalikest rongijaamadest. Rongid ise olid tavalised, juhtus, et kohati väljast soditud, kuid millegipärast ei pidanud nad oma ajagraafikutest kinni, näiteks oligi meil Meteorasse sõites vaja ümber istuda Paleofarsaloses, kus tänu esimese rongi hilinemisele oleksime pidanud ootama 15-20 minutit, kuid ootasime 45-50 minutit, sest ka teine rongi jäi hiljaks. Sellel leheküljel SIIN on toodud välja kogu peamine info Meteora kohta, ka transpordi osa. 
Litochoro: Meteorast suundusime otse Litochorosse, mis jääb Olympuse idapoolsele mäejalamile, meie valikuks osutus ainuke nö otserong, mis läks kella 8 aeg hommikul. Tegelikuses tuli jällegi ümberistuda Paleofarsaloses, kus siis 10-15 minuti jooksul tuli uus rong, mööda sõitmist Paleofarsalosest karta ei tasu, sest antud puhul on tegemist lõpp-petausega, kus kogu rahvas maha läheb. Meteorast Litochorosse on võimelik sõita ka hiljem, kuid siis peab Paleofarsaloses palju kauem (vähemalt paar tundi) ootama. Litochoro rongijaam asub keskusest u 5-6 km kaugusel, meie võtsime sinna takso ühe teise paariga, üks ots maksis 10€ ning takso tellisime rongijaamast, tegemiselt oli mugava auto ja meeldiva taksojuhiga, kellega me otsistasime ka rongijaama järgmisel päeval tagasi sõita. 

Kohalik eripära: 
Meteora: Meteora on tundub oma kaunite mägede ja kloostrite poolest, sinna on võimalik saada tema jalamil olevatest küladest Kalambakast (kus meie ööbisime) ja Kastrakist, bussid sinna lähevad kuni kella kolmeni päeval. Kloostrid Meteoras suletakse kelle viie aeg õhtul ning olenevalt päevast on mõni klooster üldse kinni. Kalamaka on ise armas linnakene, mis hooaja lõpus on mõnusalt inimtühi, ma kujutan ette, kuidas see suvisel ajal inimestest sumiseb.
Litochoro: Kuigi ümber Olympose on mitmeid külasid, valisime Litochoro, sest sinna oli kõige lihtsam saada. Litochoro on vaike külake/linnake, mis sarnaselt Kalambakale võib suviti Olymposele matkavatest inimestest samuti päris lärmakas olla.

Meteora: Meteoras ööbisime kohas nimega Hotel Galaxy, kus maksime koos hommikusöögiga 16€ inimese kohta. Kuigi hotell asus keset linna, mõned sammud peatänavast, bussijaamast ja rongijaamast (tegelikult on Kalambaka nii väike koht, et igalepoole on väikesed vahemaad), siis millegipärast olin piltide pealt endale parema ettekujutuse loonud, aga peale eraldi voodite ja väga tugeva puhastusvahendi järele lõhna toa ei saagi rohkem midagi halba öelda. 10-st punktist sellise korraliku 6 puntki vääriline. 
Litochoro: Litochoros oli meil aga juba palju parem ööbimine Hotel Myrtos, kus ootas meid ilus ja stiilne tuba koos mõnusa rõduga. Asukoht oli samuti super, peatänaval, kus olid ka enamus poekesed ja söögikohad. Teenindus oli super ja hoolimata meie paar tundi varasemast saabumisest, saime toa kohe kätte. Ainult wifi ei tahtnud tuppa millegipärast levida ja voodite vahel oli ebameeldiv raam. Üks öö koos hommikusöögiga maksis 17.50€ inimese kohta. 10-st punktist annaks 9. 

Meteora: Põhilisteks vaatamisväärsusteks Meteoras ongi need imekaunid mäed (mis meenutavad mulle veidi Cappadociat) ja nende otsas asuvad kloosterid (nii nunnade kui ka munkade omad). Kuna jõudsime Meteorasse hilisel pärastlõunal, siis jäigi üle meil võtta vaid viimane buss ülesse (pileti hinnaks 2-3€ inimese kohta), õnneks sõitis buss aga täpselt nii, et meie sihtkoha klooster St. Stephen's jäi viimaseks ja nii nägime vähemalt väljastpoolt ka kõik ülejäänud ära. Ma arvan, et kõik kloostird jäid kuskil 5-8 km teelõigule, seega üleval ringi uidates on neile päris lihtne ligipääseda, pigem on problemaatilisemad järsud tõusud mäest ülesse jõudmiseks. Meie külastasime St. Stephen's ja Holy Trinity kloostereid. Mõlema sissepääs oli 3€ inimese kohta ning paljudes ruumides, eriti esimese kloostri puhul, oli keelatud pilte teha. Minule oli rohkem sümpaatsem Holy Trinity oma imelise vaate poolest, kuigi sinna tuli tunduvalt rohkem ronida, St. Stephen'sis oli küll rohkem vaadata, aga sealolevad nunnad olid kuidagi eriti ebameeldivalt kurjad. Kloostrites antakse naistele ümber ka hõlmitavad seelikud, pääsevad ainult need, kellel on endal pikk kleit või seelik seljas, rätikut peas kandma ei pea. Seeliku laenamine on tasuta. 
Litochoro: Litochoro ja Olympus on eelkõige mõeldud ikkagi matkamiseks, kuid tegelikult on ka seal ümbruses paar kloostrit, meie külastasime St. Dionysious munga kloostrit, mis asus 3 km mõnusa tõusuga Litochoro kesklinnast. Kloosrtiõuel on tegelikult väga kena, seal asuv kohalik muuseum oli tasuta ning ka suveniiri pood on võimas, kahjuks või õnneks on naistel seal kloostris piiratud liikumine, kuigi ega me väga täpselt aru ei saanudki, kuidas meesturistid võiksid kaugemale pääseda. Kloostrist 15 km kaugusel mägedes asub ka vana St. Dionysious munga klooster, kuna see asub kuskil mägedes, siis on see sobilik veidi suurtematele matkasellidele. 

Meteora: Meteoras einestasime hotelli lähedal asuvas tavernas nimega Archontarki Taverna (Αρχονταρίκι), mis tegelikult on ikka üks päris suur turistilõks (näiteks mõnes tavernas on vein tasuta, selle reisi jooksul ei kohanud me ühtegi sellist kohta), kuid hinnad on seal nii nagu igalpool mujal ja söök oli selline keskmine, mäletan et minu kana oli üpris kuiv, tzatziki oli maitsev nagu enamus kohtades. Peale seda tegime ühed mõnusad kokteilid lähedal asuvas Cafe Zenithis (Cafe Ζενίθ)- kokteilid olid väga head, sisekujundus ilus ja muusika mõnus, kahjuks oli sellele kõigele ka vastav hind menüüs. 
Litochoro: Litochors avatasime pooljuhuslikult väga mõnusa koha nimega Meze Meze (Μεζέ Μεζέ), mis asus paar sammu meie hotellist ehk siis peatänaval. Tegemist oli kohaga mis pakkus üldiselt tradistioonilist Kreeka toitu, kuid üle tüki aja sain ma ka imelist kana-koore pastast. Hind vastas väga kenasti kvaliteedile ja teenindus oli väga tore, mulle tundus et ka kohalikud ise külastasid seda kohta. 

Vaba aeg:
Meteora: Ma arvan, et vaba aja alla võiks liigitada Holy Trinity kõrval oleva matkaraja avastamist, kuna viimane buss ülevalt alla läheb kell 16.00, aga kloostrid suletakse alles 17.00, siis otsustasimegi alla tulla mööda matkarada, mis oli väga õige otsus, sest ees ootas meid muinasjutuline metsake koos kivisillutisest teega, mis viis otse kesklinna välja. 
Litochoro: Well, Litochoro on pigem linn, kus valmistuvad või puhkavad matkajad Olympuseks/Olympusest. Linnakese servalt algab rada E4, mis peale 4 ja pool tundi matkamist viib välja kohta nimega Prionia (1100 m), kuna sinna on võimalik ligipääseda ka autoga (u 15 km Litochotost), siis just sealt alustavad paljud omateekonda tippu (2900m). Muideks esimesed ööbimismajad mägedes asuvad 2100 m kõrgusel, seega on võimalik tippu vallutada ka 2 päevaga, hulljulgemad proovivad teha seda muidugi ühe päevaga nagu mina ja hunnik teisi segaseid Erasmuseid seda sellel pühapäeval teha kavatseme. Kuid tollel reisil piirdusime vaid 2 tunnise matkaga mööda E4 rada mäest üles, mis pani meid tõsiselt oma füüsilises vormis kahtlema, mul pole kunagi hingamisega vist nii suuri raskusi olnud kui siis, siiski oli peale kahte tundi vaade juba muljetavaldav, kuigi Olympuse tipp tundus endiselt midagi väga ilmvõimatut, sama rada tulime alla tagasi aga 45 minutiga, mis selgitas lõpuks arusaama, kuidas teised matakajad meiele nii reipalt vastu tulid. Mõned matkajad ütlevad, et E4 on ka kõige ilusam rada. Hoidke mulle siis pöialt, et ma selle tipu ikka ära vallutaks! 

Ja selline oligi meie aktiivne pool reisist, juba varsti toon teieni ka pildid ja jutu imeilusatest randadest ja lõõgastumisest siin kauni sügispäikese (loe: Eesti suvepäikese) all.



Are tou ready for the first trip in Greece? I am and I hope that these kind of posts are interesting for you and maybe give some information which makes your trip a bit easier. As I told in the last post, then last week my boyfriend came to visit me, so we decided to travel around the north part of Greece. We had enough time to hike but also to relax, so today I am talking about the hiking part.
Have fun!

Meteora canyon (Kalambaka town) and Olympus mountain (Litochoro town), Greece

Duration of Trip:
We staied one night in both places. 

Travelling to Destination:
Meteora: Meteora was the first destination of our tour, we went there by train from Thessaloniki. The first plan was to buy the tickets from Internet, buy the system didn't work (it showed that the tickets are sold out), so we decided just to go to the train station and buy the tickets from there. Luckily we got them (they costed 18€ for under 24-years-old people and 24€ over 24-years-old people), so we decided to buy the rest of the tickets also from different train stations. They train were okay, sometimes they were ruined by the graffiti from outside, but the biggest minus was delaying, for example, on the way to Meteora we needed to change the train in Paleofarsalos, as our first train was late then we had time 15-20  minutes to the next one, but in reality we waited 45-50 minutes, because also the second train got late. In this page HERE is basically all the information about Meteora, also the transport part.  
Litochoro: Next stop from Meteora was the Litochoro, which is a town in the east side of Olympus, we chose the "direct" train, which went only 8 in the morning. In reality we needed to change the train in Paleofarsalos, where we waited the other train like 10-15 minutes. The good thing was that the last stop of the first train was Paleofarsalos, so all the people need to change the train in there. It's possible to go from Mateora to Litochoro in later time, too, but in that case there is a much longer waiting time in Paleofarsalos (at least a couple of hours). Litochoro train station is around 5-6 km away from the city center, so we took the taxi with another couple to there, one way costed 10€ in total, it was super nice car and the driver was great, too, so in the next day we decided to take the same taxi back to the train station. 

About Local Life: 
Meteora: Meteora if famous by it's beautiful mountains and monasteries, it's possible to get there from Kalambaka (where we staied) and from Kastraki, the last bus goes to Meteora at 3 pm. The monasteries are opened until 5 pm and in some days some monasteries are closed. Kamara is a lovely town which in the end of the season is quit empty, but I can imagine how full it is in the summer time.
Litochoro: Although there's more than one village around the Olympus, we chose Litochoro, because it was the easiest around Olympus place where to go. Litochoro is a small town, which is similar to Kalambaka- I believe that in summer time it is probably pretty loud. 

Meteora: In Meteora we staied a place called Hotel Galaxy, where we payed for one night with breakfast 16€ per person. Although the hotel is middle of the town, some steps away from the main street, bus and train station (actually everything is very close to each ohter in that place), then in somehow I had different pictures in my head about this place than it was in reality. But besides of the separated beds and very strong perfume in the room I can't say nothing bad. From 10 points I am giving 6 to this place. 
Litochoro: In Litochoro we had much better accommodation called Hotel Myrto, we had super pretty and stylish room with a balcony! The location was super, it was in the main street, where were also most of the shops and eating places. The staff was great and despite our arriving 2 hours before the check-in we got the room immediately. Only the wifi was super bad in our room and I didn't like that there weren't any mattress which would do two single bed to one big bed. One night with a breakfast costed 17.50€ per person. From 10 points I am giving 9. 

Meteora: The main sightseers in Meteora were those beautiful mountains (which reminds me a little bit of Cappadocia ones), on top of those mountains are monasteries (for nuns and for monks). As we arrived to Meteora in late afternoon, so we took the last bus to up (ticket costed 2-3€ per person), luckily this bus had a route which ended next of that monastery what we wanted to visit, so we also saw all the other ones form outside. I guess that the route is around 5-8 km long, so in up it is not so hard to reach to them, the hardest part in my opinion is to walk from Kalambaka to up to the mountains. We visited monasteries called St. Stephen's (our first choice) and Holy Trinity. In both places the entrance costed 3€ per person and in many rooms it wasn't allowed to make photos, especially in the first one. I liked the Holy Trinity more because it's amazing view, but it was a bit harder to reach there, also there were more things what to see in St. Stephen's, but the nuns were so angry and unpleasant in there. In the monasteries the women get's also some skirts, only the ones who are wearing long dress or skirt by their-selves doese'nt need to take it, wearing a scarf around the head is not necessary. Using the skirt is for free and you must give it back.
Litochoro: Litochoro and Olympus are known as hiking places, but also there's a couple of monasteries. We visited the monastery of St. Dionysious, which was 3 km from Litochoro city center. It was actually very nice and quite place, the local museum was for free and the souvenir shop was very big, sadly or luckily for the women it wasn't allowed to go to some places, but we also didn't figured out how the male tourists can see the rest of the place. 15 km away from that monastery there's another one- old St. Dionysious monastery, it's somewhere in the mountains, so this is for the real hikers. 

Place to Eat:
Meteora: In Meteora we ate in the place called Archontarki Taverna (Αρχονταρίκι), it was near of our hotel and actually it was a tourist trap (for example in some tavernas they have free wine, in that trip we didn't see places like this), but the prices were everywhere the same, food was average, I remember that my chicken wasn't the best one, but tzatziki was good as always. After that we had some cocktails in Cafe Zenith (Cafe Ζενίθ), which was near of taverna- cocktails were very good, design was beautiful and music was very nice- only they price of cocktails was a bit too expensive.
Litochoro: In Litochoro we found a nice place called Meze Meze (Μεζέ Μεζέ), it was on the same street as our hotel (on the main street). In general they offered Greek food, but I also got an amazing chicken-cream pasta. The balance of money and quality was good and the service was very nice, I guess that the local people visited that place, too. 

Free Time:
Meteora: I guess, that under to free time section I can add the hiking trail, which went down next from Holy Trinity monastery and reached to Kalambaka. As the last bus went down 4 pm and the monasteries were closed by 5 pm, then we decided to use that hour and walk back to town after the monasteries were closed. It was a such a good idea, because this hiking trail took us to a beautiful forest which seemed like a fairy tale. 
Litochoro: Well, Litochoro is a town, where the hikers are preparing for or resting of Olympus. Next of the town there is a E4 track, which after 4,5 hours of hiking should end in place called Prionia (1100 m), as it is possible to go to that place by car (around 15 km from Litochoro), then a lot of hikers are starting their road to the top of Olympus (2900m) from there. The first refugee location is in 2100 m, so it is possible to take 2 or more days to go to the top and then there's ofc the people like me and a bunch of other crazy Eramus people who will try to do it with one day. But on that trip we hiked only 2 hours on that E4 trail and all the time up to hill, which made me think seriously about my physical shape, because it was my first time when I was totally out of breath, but the view was already amazing after short hiking, although the top of Olympus was far far away and seemed impossible to conquer it. We came back the same down to hill with 45 minutes, so then we realized why the others hikers seemed to be in so good shape. Some hikers are saying the the E4 trail is the most beautiful one. So wish me luck, because on Sunday I am trying to conquer the first mountain of my life!

And that was the active side of our trip, already very soon I am bringing to you the side of beaches and relaxing mode!

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