Reality of Changing the Blog

In the last summer I got bored of my blog old design, so I decided that for my blog 5th birthday I will have a totally new design. As I have done it before, then I believed that it won't be hard, especially while all the other bloggers have also managed it and wrote how easy it was. But on last Friday, while it was my 4th editing day and after two days I still couldn't manage how to do the "About" label and from the company, where I ordered my new template, the help center answered that as it is a blogger question and they will not deal with it, I wanted to share those problems and tips with you. So probably for the simple readers this post may be boring and a bit difficult, because I will use some blog editing terms. Sorry.

1) The name of blog 
In those five years while I have had my blog, I have changed the name for 3 times. The reason why I did it in this year was that I couldn't get peace, in the most accounts what I have Thekelluuu is my username, so it is something what is me, but those uuu-s started to bothering me. So I turned of my childish side off and changed the blog name to something more normal, hopefully for the last time.

2) Heading 
For me one of the most important things about the blog is heading which is the first text or picture what the readers sees. Usually I have made the heading pictures by my-self but at this time I knew that I want something bigger. In the summer I met with Marit Nõmmik, while I was a model in her collection and in the next moment I send her instructions and some inspiration photos how my new heading picture should look. I gave her a quite big playing room, because I didn't want to took her  inspiration away, so after few consultations I got the first picture. If I am honest then I must say that I waited a different work and I was quite confused but after some changes and time I really started to like this picture and that's how I got a new heading for my blog. The next problem with heading was the size of the photo, because in my opinion the old blogger template made the photo foggy and with the new template I needed to figure out how to make the photo bigger. The solution was in the new template help files, where I got the code, I also changed width of the blog and sidebar.
3) Domain- the name of the link
Before ordering the new template it sounded logically to ordered the new domain. After some research and positive comments, I find that the best place for ordering is which is an Estonian site and as I understood then only in Estonian language. The address what I wanted was free and everything seemed perfect until I started to fill the form. I just didn't understood do I need to take some packet (for example e-mail or internet page one) or not, finally I decided to not to take them and for me everything worked without them. After the order I needed to edit the blogger and veebimajutus accounts, both of them had the guidelines about it, which worked very well until I needed to add the CNAME codes to veebimajutus account, I just didn't understand in which boxes I needed to put them. The Blogger guideline gave me to box names, but in veebimajutus the wasn't any names of the boxes. I just wrote to the help center and luckily they solved my problem very quickly by their-selves. It came out that there was a need to create those two boxes. So big thank you veebimajutus!

PS! Remember that all the companies are different!
The domain starts to work in 24h!
In veebimajutus the .com domain costs 9.90€ per year, the .ee ones are for free!

4)Template- the design of the blog 
This template is ordered form Georgia Lou Studio, which for the first time I saw in one other Estonian blogger page, I liked it so much that I decided to order something for my-self, too!
From there it's possible to order different templates for Blogger and Wordpress users. My dream to get the look as I want easily and fast was a naive wish. After oder I recommend to open the guideline, which link needs to be unpacked and then just follow the instructions. It is the easiest way how to manage the most of the things. But there's also some things which takes some more (or a lot more) time to figure out, of those I will talk about in the next points. Be ready that with that company there will be a new layout menu and just in case save the "new post" link, because I still dont know how to go there thought the blog. 

PS! For buying the template there's a need to have a Paypal account or some other acceptable company account.
My template costed 15$, which I payed for only once.

5) Widget (the icon) of Instagram widget
I found this wonderful widget while I was thinking that I can arrange my original template, obviously I wanted too much. Actually this widget is also mentioned in my new template guideline, but as everybody (at least Blogger users) can use it then I added the link for you, too!

6) Widget (the icon) of Bloglovin 
While I was adding the Bloglovin icon it came out that my Bloglovin account shows my blog old domain address with old blog name. In Bloglovin it is easy to change the blog name, but the address changing needs a guideline, which Bloglovin luckily has ("I have changed my blog address, Can I move my followers?"). For sure on that time keep your blog open to public because otherwise it won't work. Also the Bloglovin has really nice help center, at least to me they answered quickly (in 2 hours) and I got good information. Thank you! 


7) Labels and Blogger Auto Pagination 
For me the biggest problem were labels, I just hadn't no idea how to create them. In template guideline there's quite nice instructions, but it doese'nt say form where I can get URL codes, which is the main part of creating labels. So I tried to copy those URL codes from other bloggers, because hey, their labels are working, so if I replace my name with their name then it should work in my blog, too and mostly it did. Of course later I understood that for creating the labels I should create the tags (like hastags on Instagram) and while I click on tag I will give me the label URL code. For sure control that the label name and the label part in URL code are exactly the same, for example if the label name is OUTFITS, then the URL code part would be like this:
While I almost solved the labels creating problem there was a new one- the labels didn't show all the tagged posts, for example my outfits label should show around 30 posts, but in reality is shows 16. After searching and searching and a lot of experiments I finally wrote to my template help center where I got an answer which keyword was Blogger Auto Pagination. What on Earth is that??? Here is an good article about it. Really, read it! I have a feeling that my baby blog is ill and it makes me so sad, but as I understood then with a new posting rules (which I am already breaking) it is possible that in one day my labels will show all the tagged posts.

8) Label of About Me
I understood pretty quickly how to create the labels, but with About Me label it took a lot more time.
The problem was that while a creating a new page as the guideline says, to get an URL code, I just didn't see those new pages in my blog. Also the most of the guidelines were too old for a new Blogger original template. Believe me I tried all the ways which came to my mind, even the stupid ones. I even wrote to my new template help center where I got the answer that they will not help me with that because it is a Blogger question, ummm your new template doese'nt show me those pages. Also one other question where I asked this or that option and they said "yes" gave a quite bad look of them, but at least they told me about Blogger Auto Pagination, so at least I got some help. And finally I found this video, which saved my blog! The differents with my new template is that I can't move the About me (the new page) gadget from Sidebar to Menu, in this case just copy the About me page URL code, add to Menu the new label with that code and delete the About me gadget from Sidebar and the About me label is on! I know it sounds difficult, but believe me, after all those experiments it sounds amazingly easy!

9) Favicon, the small icon of the blog
Finally I had last small problem, my blog favicon, which you can see from Interent tabs (for example from Chrome tabs), showed after the changing still the old one. About that I found this nice guideline, for me the CRTL+F5 already helped. 

10) The others useful links
I added a couple useful links, which helps to make the blog design more special.
*Post title and dates centering
*Free social media icons with different colours

So as this post was a bit negative and the whole story may be very confusing, then I didn't want to scare. Usually it is very easy to change the main things, just sometimes there is not enough playing room or it take to much time to find the right codes, which is already a bit more difficult. But there's always nice guidelines and help centers, Interent is full of information, it is just takes a bit time to find them. But I hope that maybe someone got some help from here and for sure you will manage your new awesome blog design!


1) Blogi nimi
Peale blogi loomist, olen selle nime viie aasta jooksul muutnud kolm korda. Põhjus, miks ma seda sellel aastal tegin, oli see, et ma ei saanud rahu, Thekelluuu on enamikes kohtades minu kasutajanimi, see on lihtsalt mina, aga need uuu-d hakksid mind häirima. Võib-olla ma lihtsalt lasin oma lapselikul minal seekord vähem kaasa rääkida ja muutsin nime vähe viisakamaks, loodame, et lõplikult. 

2) Heading ehk blogi pealkiri
Minu jaoks üks kõige tähtsamaid asju blogi kujunduse juures on heading ehk blogi pealkiri ehk just see pilt või tekst, mis blogi avades kõige esimesena ette potsatab. Tavaliselt olen teinud oma headingu pildid ise, kuid seekord teadsin, et tahan midagi enda võimetest rohkemat. Juhuse tahtel sattusin kokku Marit Nõmmikuga, kelle kollektsioonis ma suvel taaskord modelliks olin ja järgmisel hetkel saatsin talle juba juhiseid ja isnpiratiooni pilte sellest, kuidas peaks minu uus pilt välja nägema. Andsin talle küllaltki vabad käed, sest minu meelest on niimoodi inimestel rohkem inspiratsiooni ning peale mõningast konsulteerimist sain kätte esimese variandi. Kui ma nüüd aus olen, siis alguses ootasin midagi teistsugust ja olin veidi nõutu, kuid peale mõningasi muudatusi ja olukorraga kohanemist, hakkas mulle see pilt mulle päriselt meeldima ja nüüd on see ka teile nähtav. Headingu juures osutuks probleemiks ka pilti suurus, mida minu meelest esialge blogi template (kujundus) udusemaks muutis, uue template puhul tuli aga välja nuputada kuidas saada pilti suuremaks, lahenduse leidsin uue template õpetusest, kust sain vastava koodi ning samuti mängisin küljendusega.  

3) Domeen ehk lingi nimi
Enne uue kujunduse tellimist tundus mulle loogiline esmalt tellida uus domeen. Peale mõningast uurimist ja positiivseid kommentaare selle ostmise kergusest, leidsin, et kõige sobilikum oleks uus domeen tellida lehelt. Soovitud aadressi nimi oli täiesti vaba ja kõik tunduski olevat super, kuni hetkeni, mil ma jõudsin ankeetide täitmiseni. Ma lihtsalt ei saanud aru, kas ma peaksin võtma juurde mingi paketi (e-posti majutus, veebimajutus jne) või mitte, esialgu ma neid siiski ei võtnud ja ka hiljem ei läinud mul neid vaja. Peale edukat ostmist tuli seadistada bloggeri ning veebimajutuse konto, nii bloggeril kui ka veebimajutusel olid sellekohased õpetused, mis töötasid täpselt sinnamaani kuni pidin veebimajutuse kontole CNAME koode sisetama, sest ma lihtsalt ei saanud aru millisesse lahtrisse neid panna. Bloggeri õpetus andis kenasti kastide nimetused, kuhu vajalikud koodid panna, kuid veebimajutusel puudusid kastikestel nimed. Võtsin ühendust veebimajutuse abikeskusega, kes mulle väga kenasti vastu tuli ja kiiresti probleemi lahendas, tuli välja, et need kastikesd tuli hoopis ise luua. Suur suur aitäh teile!

PS! Pidage meeles, et iga domeeni firma on erinev!
 Domeeni hakkab korralikult kehtima 24 h jooksul!
.com lõpevate domeenide kehtib aastamaks (hetlkel 9.90€ aastas), .ee domeenid on tasuta! 

4) Template ehk kujunduse mall
Minu praegune blogi kujundus on tellitud Georgia Lou Studiost, mille esmakordselt avastasin ühel teisel eesti blogijal ja mulle hakkas see lihstalt nii meeldima, et otsustasin ka endale sealsest firmast midagi tellida. Kujudnusi on võimalik tellida nii Bloggeri kui ka Wordpressi kasutajatel. Minu arvamus sellest, et blogi saab kohe olema nii nagu mina tahan oli muidugi naiivselt vale. Peale kujunduse soetamist on soovitatav avada põhjalik õpetus, mille link tuleb esmalt arvutis lahti pakkida ning lihtsalt selle järgi liikuda. Õpetuse järgi saab teha ära suurema osa tööst, siiski alljärgenavate punktidega pidin tegema veidikese (osadega ka päris palju) tööd. Kindlasti selle firma puhul olge valmis uueks "küljeduse" menüüks ning igaksjuhuks salvetage endale ka "uue postituse" link, sest ma ei tea siiani, kuidas blogi lehelt saaks otse seadetesse või uue postituse kastini. 

PS! Template ostimiseks on vajalik Paypali või mõne muu akspteeritava firma kontot.
Minu kujudnus läks maksma 15$, mis on ühekordne hind. 

5) Instagram ikoon e widget
Instagrami piltide ikooni leidsin tegelikult juba enne uue template soetamist, veel siis, kui ma arvasin, et suudan originaal template'i piisavalt ümber muuta, kuid ilmselgelt tahtsin natukene liiga palju. Tegelikult on see sama Instagrami ikooni leht ka antud template õpetuses olemas. Niisiis saab seda widgeti kasutada ka tavalise Bloggeri kujudnusega. 

6) Bloglovini ikoon ehk widget
Bloglovin ikooni lisamisel tekkis kurb tõsiasi, et mu Bloglovini kontol oli blogi aadressiks endiselt vana domeeni nimi. Blogi enda pealkirja/nime saab Bloglovinis kergelt muuta, kuid aadressi muutmist tuli juba Bloglovini õpetusest (I have changed my blog address, Can I move my followers?) otsida, mis seal ka kenasti olemas oli. Kindlasti jälgige, et aadressi muutmise ajal oleks blogi avalik, kuna muidu ei leia Bloglovin uue aadressiga blogi üles ja sel juhul aadressi muuta ei saa. Täiendavate küsimuste puhul pöörduge kindlasti abikeskuse poole, minu küsimustele vastati kiiresti ning informatiivselt. Aitäh! 


7) Labelsid ehk blogi vahelehed ja Blogger Auto Pagination 
Kõige suuremaks probeelmiks osutus labelsite loomine, ausalt, mul polnud halli aimu ka, kuidas neid teha. Template õpetuses on kenasti kõik kirjas, aga ma ei saanud aru, kust leida neid URL koode, mille järgi vahelehti üldse luua. Esialgu kopeerisin neid rõõmsalt teistel blogijatelt, sest hei, neil ju töötas ja miks mul ei peaks töötama kui ma nende nime oma nimega asendan, ja ma pean ütlema, et enamasti töötaski. Hiljem muidugi taipasin, et labelsite loomiseks tuleks enne luua tag-id (nagu instagrammis hastagid), millele vajutades saabki selle paganama URL koodi. Kindlasti jälgige, et vahelehe nimi ja URL-is oleva labelsi nime koht oleksid ühesugused, nt kui nimeks on OUTIFTS, siis URL oleks outfits täpselt sama moodi kirjutatud ( 
Labelsid peaaegu korras, tekkis järgmine jama- vaheleht ei näita kõiki tagitud postitusi ehk ideaalis peaks outfitide labelisel vajutades näha olema u 30 outfiti postitust, millest reaalselt näeb vaid 16-st. Peale uurimist ja puurmist internetist ning tohutuid katsetusi langes viimane piisk minu karikasse ja palusin abi tellitud template abimeeskonnalt, peale paari tundi sain vastuse, mille tähtsamaiks märksõnaks oli Blogger Auto Pagination. Mis asi see veel niisugune on???? SIIT leiate selle kohta kasuliku artikli! Päriselt, lugege seda! Ma tunnen nagu mu blogi oleks viirushaigusesse nakatanud ja see on nii kurb ja häiriv tunne, aga nagu ma aru sain siis tervislik eluviis e juhiste järgi käitumine uute postituste puhul annab lootust, et ühel päeval on vahelehetedel kõiki postitusi näha. 

8) About me label ehk vaheleht
Kui teiste vahelehetede loomise hammustasin küllaltki ruttu läbi, siis About labelsiga tuli ikka korralikult ragistada. Probleem seisnes selles, et uue lehe loomisel ma blogist seda lihtsalt ei näinud ja seega ei leidnud ma kuidagi ka URL koodi, samuti enamus õpetused, mis leidsin oli paari aasta vanused ja ei vastanud enam praeguseks Bloggeris tehtud uuendustele. Uskuge mind, ma proovisin kõikvõimalikud totakad ja vähem totakamad variandid läbi, mida ma välja suutsin genereerida. Ma isegi kirjutasin sellest oma tellitud template abikeskusele, kust sain vastuse, et see on puhtalt bloggeri poolne osa ja nemad sellega ei tegele, halloooo, teie templatega ma ei näe neid lehti juuuu. Seega tänu sellele ja veel ühele teisele küsimusele, kus ma küsisin kas see või too ja ma sain vastuseks "jah", ei ole minu kogemused selle abikeskusega just parimad, kuid vähemalt sain neilt infot Blogger Auto Paginationi kohta. Ja lõpuks sattusin ma video otsa, mis andis mulle täpselt selle, mida vajasin! Vahe on vaid selles, et uue templatega ei saa About me (uue vahelehe) vidinat Sidebarist Menusse liigutada, lihtsalt kopeerige About me URL kood, lisage Menuse label ning kustutage Sidebarist vidin ning olemas ta ongi! Mida rohkem te seda olete välja mõelda proovinud, seda lihtsam tundub tegelik vastus, ausalt ka!

9) Pisipilt ehk favicon
Lõpuks oli vaid jäänud viimane takistuskivi, minu  blogi ikoon, mida kuvatakse interneti vahekaartidel (nt Chrome), näitas peale muutmist endiselt vana kujunduse ikooni. Ka selle kohta leidsin toreda artikli, minul aitas juba lihtsalt CTRL+F5 kasutamine. 

10) Muud kasulikud lingid
Lisan veel siia paar kasulikku linki, mida kujundamise juures vaja võib minna.
*Postituse pealkirja  ja kuupäeva keskele tõstmine

Kuigi postitus on veidi negatiivse alatooniga ja kogu jutt võis olla tohutult segane, siis tegelikult ei tahtnud ma sellega mitte kedagi hirmutada. Tavaliselt pole põhiasjade seadistamine Bloggeris üldse raske, lihtsalt tuleb leppida asjaoluga, et mõnikord on käed küllaltki seotud. Alati on olemas igasuguseid toredaid õpetusi, mida leiab nii lehekülgede abist kui ka internetist. Ma loodan, et keegi sai vast ka sellest postitustsest abi, ma usun Sinusse, Sa saad oma uue laheda kujundusega kindlasti hakkama!

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