
It the last day of September and also it is the last post of my Romania trip. As I already mentioned in the last post then the last afternoon I spent middle of grapes and big yellow fields. This lovely place was my friend parent's home which is around 40 minutes from Iasi and only a couple of kilometers from Moldova! In there I had a great chance to see the local countryside life and I also had the last meal of local food and barbecue. When some cities reminded me a Soviet Union blocks and England (what a huge diferents, right?) and the mountains were like Austria, then the countryside of Romania reminded me an old villages of Russia, for me those cute houses looked exactly like old Russian ones. But the weirdest and at the same time the most exciting were the people who were riding with the horse carriages, it was just so awesome! I guess most of the countryside families has the horses, also in this family what I visited, we even went to field to see that cute creature. They also had the other animals started from chickens and turkeys and ended with pigs and goats. I like that in this country they still has that real countryside vibe with animals and big gardens, it was peaceful and reminded me my childhood. And this family was so sweet and warm, for example they packed me a bag of local sweets with Sun, which made my long trip (25 h) back to home much more easier!
And this was my lovely Romania trip, be ready for the video!
A big big hugs to all, who gave me a bed, where to sleep and showed me those wonderful places. A special hugs to my friends Elena and Manuela! I hope to see you in Estonia!
Septembrikuu viimasesse päeva sobib hästi ka Rumeenia reisi viimane postitus. Nagu eelmine kord mainisin, siis oma viimase päikselise pärastlõuna veetsin pisikeses viinamarja istanduses ja laiade kollaste põldude keskel. Nimelt sõitsime külla sõbranna vanematele, mis asub umbes 40 minuti kaugusel Iasist ja vaid paari kilomeetri kaugusel Moldovast!!! Seal oli mul võimalus tutvuda veidi kohaliku maaeluga ning samuti sain veel viimast korda kohalikku toitu ja selle hooaja viimast šašlõkki mekkida. Kui mõned linnad meenutasid mulle Lasnamäge või Inglismaad ning mäed Austriat, siis Rumeenia maakohad meenutasid mulle oma armaste ja mõnusate majakaste tõttu Venemaa vanu külasid. Kõige veidram ja samas ka põnevust tekitavam vaatepilt oli vast see, kuidas inimesed majast koos rakendatud hobustevankritega möödusid, see oli lihtsalt nii vaimustavalt äge! Samuti ei puudunud ka sellel pererahval hobune, keda me aasal paitamas käisime ja muidugi oli neil ka muid loomi alustadest kandest, hanedest ja kalkunitest lõpetades kitsega. Selles riigis on endiselt veel palju nö õigeid ja ehtsaid maakohti koos loomakarjade ja rikkalike aedadega, mis minu meelest on nii tore ning meenutab mulle mu lapsepõlve. Eriti armas oli minu jaoks pererahva soe vastuvõtt, kes mulle ka kotitäie kohalikke maistusi ja päikest kaasa pakkis, mis mind pikal koduteel (25 h) kõvasti aitasid! 
Ja selline oligi minu armas Rumeenia reisikene, hoidke silmad lahti, sest varsti on ka video tulekul!
Suur suur aitäh kõigile, kes mind vaevaks võtsid majutada või minuga ringi reisida! Erilised tänud minu armstale sõbrannadele Elenale ja Manuelale! Näeme juba Eestis! 
Dress: Koton (Turkey)/ Head scarf: from my gradmother/ Necklace: Cetin (Turkey)/ Sunglasses: NewYorker
Photos by Elena and me

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