Next Stop: Karlovy Vary


Sellel korral viin teid imeilusasse Karlovy Varysse, kuhu mul õnnestus koos teiste erasmuslastega minna. Tegemist oli ESNi poolt korraldatud päevase reisiga, seega enamus asjad olid meie eest juba ära korraldatud ja tänu sellele ei oska ma nt hindadest rääkida, kuid sellegipoolest jagan oma emotsioone!  
Here we go! 

Karlovy Vary, Tšehhi

Reisi kestvus:
1 päev 

Sihtkohta reisimine:
*Ronigiga Usti nad Labemist Karlovy Varysse 
*Pluss: Mulle meeldib rongiga sõita, niiet juba rong ise oli üks suur pluss. Ustist Karlovysse on u 120 km, seega pole sinna ka väga pikk maa reisida. 
*Miinus: Karlovy Varys asub rongijaam mäe (künka?) otsas, seega pärast väsitavat päeva polnud sinna just kõige toredam jalutada, aga see on ka ainuke miinus, mis tegelikult polegi ju nii väga miinus. 

Kohalik eripära:
*Linnake ise on küllaltki väike ja kompaktne, meie jalutasime kõik kohad ise kenasti läbi. 

Ka seekord ei ole mul infot majutuse kohta, kuid kuna tegemist on küllaltki turistidele suunatud kohaga, siis peaks olema majutust igale maitsele, k.a väga uhkeid hotelle nt Grandhotel Pupp, kus on ööbinud ka Leonardo DiCaprio, Rene Zellweger ja Keira Knightley. Samuti figureerib sama hotell ka James Bondi Casino Royale filmis. 

Karlovy Vary on on minu jaoks äärmiselt kaunis ja värviline linn, tuletas natukene Tallinna vanalinna ja Haapsalu meelde, kindlasti on seal suvisel ajal veel mitu korda ilusam. Kindlaid vaatamisväärsusi on raske välja tuua, sest iga maja on omaette vaatamisväärsus, kuid kindlasti soovitan külastada kuumaveeallikate kohti, mida on üle 300, tähtsamaid on umbes 13 tükki ning päris mitu (kui mitte kõik) jäävad neist kesklinna. Olge allikatega kindlasti ettevaatlikud, sest osades neist on u 60 kraadine vesi. Meie nägime allkaid, kust sai ainult juua võtta, seega kindlasti varuge endale ka mõni joogtopsik kaasa, kuid kuna Karlovy Varyt teatakse ka SPA mõnude poolest, siis kindlasti peaks olema kuskil ka suplusallikaid! Samuti oli minu üks lemmikehitistest Vridelni Kolonada, kust leiab samuti kuumavee allika. 

Meie alustasime oma hommikut kesklinna kohvikus nimega Republica Coffee, mis on igati sobilik koht neile, kes tahavad kerget hommikusööki või kohvi. Lõunat einestasime aga Diana restoranis, mis lausub linna kohal asuva mäe otsas, guljašši suppi pakuti seal suure kausist saia sees ning õunastruudel maitses sama täpselt sama hästi kui välja nägi! 

Vaba aeg:
Selle küllalt lühikese aja jooksul, mis me seal olime, õnnestus meil külastada ka Výšina přátelstvít, mäge, mille tippu saab sõita köisraudteega (või selle laadse asjaga) ning mille tipus avaneb kaunis vaade linnale. Just selle sama mäe otsas me lõunat einestasimegi, lisaks asub seal ka miniloomaaeg, kus peamiselt leidub tavalisi koduloomi nagu siga ja hobune, kuid seal võib näha ka paabuline. Samuti külastasime Becheri muuseumit, kuna tšehhide kohalik üriliköör Becherovka  (mis meenutab veidi piparkoogi maitset) on just sellest linnast pärit, külastus sisaldas endast ka Becherovka tegusteerimist.
Kuigi tegemist on küllaltki väikse linnaga ja tähtsamad kohad näeb ära ühe päevaga, siis siiski soovitan teil seda paika külastada, eriti rohkem suvisemal perioodil!

At this time I will take you to Karlovy Vary, where we had a day trip with other lovely Erasmus people. As this trip was organized by ESNers, then I don't know so many details, for example I don't know how much something costed, but I'd still like to share my emotions with you!
Here we go!

Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic

Duration of trip:
1 day

Travelling to destination:
*By train from Usti nad Labem to Karlovy Vary. 
*Plus: I really love to travel with train, so it was a huge plus for me. As Karlovy is around 120 km away from Usti, then it wasn't a long way to go.  
*Minus: The train station in Karlovy Vary is in the top of the hill, so it was quite tiring to go there back after a long day in town. But it was the only minus, which actually is not the real minus at all. 

About local life:
*The town is quite small, so there is no need for extra transportation.  

As it was a day trip, then I don't know so much about the accommodation, but as it is quite touristic place, then I believe that there is a place for everybody. Also there is a very fancy hotels like Grandhotel Pupp, where for example Leonardo DiCaprio, Rene Zellweger and Keira Knightley has been. This hotel is also in the James Bond Casino Royale movie. 

For me Karlovy Vary is very beautiful and colorful town, which reminded me some Estonian towns, I am sure that in the summer this place is just stunning. It is hard to speak about certain sightseers because every house were like a sightseer, but for sure I recommend to visit the hot spring places, there is around 300 of them but around 10 are a bit more important one, I guess that most of them are in city center. For sure be careful with those places because in some of them the water may be around 60 degrees. We saw only the springs where people can drink the water, so for sure take a cup with you, but as I head that Karlovy Vary is known as it's SPA places then I guess there is also the springs for swimming. One of my favourite places was Vridelni Kolonada, where is also a hot spring place.

Place to eat:
We started our morning in Republica Coffee, which a good place for them who likes to have a light breakfast and/or coffee. But the lunch we had in the Diana's restaurant, which is in the top of the hill and where is a nice view to the town. They serve a goulash soup in the bread which looks like a bowl and the apple strudel is as good as it looks! 

Free time:
In that day what we spend in Karlovy Vary we also visited the Výšina přátelství hill/mountain, where we went by cable train (still don't know the right word for it) and where is a beautiful view to Karlovy Vary. This was the same place where we got our lunch and there is also a mini zoo, mostly with common animals like pigs and horses, but there was also a peacock. We also visited the Becher museum, because the local drink called Becherovka which a herb liqueur (reminds me a bit taste of gingerbread) is exactly from that town. The tour in the museum consisted also a trying that liqueur. 

So unless it a quite small town and the most important places takes like one day, then I still recommend to visit this lovely place, if there is any chance then in summer time!

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