Collecting Moments

Mu teine hullumeelne töönädal on lõpuks läbi saanud ning mis oleks veel mõnusam tähistamaks selle lõppu, kui veeta õhtupoolik mõnusas maakodu aias, lesida päikese käes ning igavuse peletamiseks kirjutada postitust- siin ma igastahes olen, valmis nautima oma vaba nädalat! Kuid kuni uued seiklused ootavad, vaatame tagasi vanadele- eelmisel nädalavahetusel õnnestus meil perega käia Toilas kuulamas Tanel Padari & The Suni, Terminaatorit ja 2 Quick Start'i, viimane jättis mind üpriski külmaks, kuid Tannu ja Termika ajal viskasin näppu ja hüplesin esireas nagu suurim fänn kunagi, ma ise ka imestasin, et kuidas mul kõik The Suni laulud peas olid, kuid seda enam oli rõõm seal kekselda. Just selle kontserdi tarvis katsetasin ka mina seda uut või pigem juba vana võrksuka-teksade kombinatsiooni, natukene naljakas oli olla, kuid nüüd tundub juba täitsa äge- kõlab täpselt minu moodi, kellel mõne moehullusega läheb harjumiseks veidi (või siis natukene rohkem)aega. Need toredad võrgud sain muide samuti pakist, seega on ka kõigil teil neid lihtne viis soetada! Kahjuks olid Toilas tollel õhtul väga ebasoodsad tingimused pildistamiseks ja seega otsustasin sama outfitti kanda ka pühapäevasel shoppingtuuril Narvas, kust nii mõnegi toreda nunnukese endaga kaasa tõin ja seekord saime pildid saime ka tehtud! 
Võtke siis suvest ikka nii palju kui võtta annab ning nautige täiega!

Denim jacket: from my aunt/ T-shirt: New Yorker+DIY/ Jeans: Seppälä/ Tights: Sneakers: NS King/ Choker: Cetin (Konya)/ Sunglasses: from Konya/ Backpack: Terranova 
Photos by Lisette Liise 

My second crazy work week is finally over and what could be better celebration than spending the first free evening in my sunny country-side home garden, breath the fresh summer air and write a blog post- well here I am, ready to enjoy my free week! Until the new adventures, let's look back to the old ones- last weekend we went with my family to event in East-Estonia (where is also my country-side house) where 3 famous Estonian bands were singing, one of them wasn't so entertaining for me but the other two ones made me really crazy, I jumped and sang in the first row like the biggest fan ever, actually I was really surprised that I knew all the songs by one band, but for me it gave only better emotions. For that concert I also tried the new or I guess it is already pretty old "net tights- jeans" combination, at the beginning it looked a bit odd to me, but now I am starting loving them- sounds so much like me, it just takes some time to get used with some new fashion looks. Btw, I got those cool tights  also from pack, so if you want something like this, then here is the option from where to get them! Unfortunately we had too bad conditions to make the photos in that event, so I decided to wear the same outfit on Sunday, while we went to shop in Narva. On that day I got some new awesome things and at this time we also managed to make the photos! 
So, I hope that you are enjoying the summer, take the maximum of it and have fun!


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