Out of the Wardrobe: Boyfriend Special

Today's post is about how I hadn't nothing to wear and I made some experiments in other human's closet.  At this time that poor person was my boyfriend, which made me more excited, because I don't have a brother and except of a couple of clothes what I have bought from men's department I haven't wore these kind of clothes. Although the hunting area was a much smaller than my wardrobe, which is obviously totally normal, I picked out two pair of trousers and a some T-shirts. In the end I made my choice thanks to the blue coat, which is my absolutely favourite and in my opinion my boyfriend should wear this all the time. Picking out the T-shit was also easy, it was a present of mine, where is written a small inside joke. But then came the problem- trousers, unless before that experiment I had eaten fat and carbohydrates for a days, still the trousers were a bit too big for me. But as it was a quite simple problem, there was also a simple solution: the belt, which I hided with coat and to get the better looking I scrolled the trousers a bit up. As I only visited a local shop with this outfit, by the way the people were watching me same weirdly as usually, then I guess that time to time I will steal some clothes from my boyfriend's closets and make a face like they are mine. What a great plan!
Tänane postitus on järjekorde lugu sellest, kuidas mul mitte midagi selga polnud panna ja ma teiste riidekappi eksperimenteerima läksin. Seekordseks ohvriks langes mu poiss-sõber, mis minule valmistas muidugi palju elevust, sest tänu venna puudumisele ja peale paari meesteosakonnast ostetud riideeseme pole ma meeste riideid eriti kandud. Kuigi jahiala on minu riidekapiga võrreldes palju tagasihoidlikum, mis on ka igati normaalne, siis mäletan, et mulle jäi silma umbes kaks paari pükse ning mõned T-särgid. Lõpuks tegin valiku ikkagi oma suure lemmiku, sinise pintsaku järgi, mida minu meelest võiks mu poiss-sõber vist igal ajal kanda. Särgiga polnud samuti probleeme, selleks osutus mu enda tehtud kink, millele on isegi väike sisenali trükitud. Kuid siis jõudis kätte murdepunkt- püksid, mis hoolimata mu mitme päevasest ohtrast rasva ja süsivesikute söömisest olid siiski natuke liiga suured. Selle vastu aitas aga lihtne lahendus: vöö, mille tekitatud krooked peitis piisavalt pikk pintsak ning samuti tegi üldpildi paremaks üleskeritud püksisääred. Kuigi ma selle outfitiga kohalikust poest kaugemale ei jõudnud, kusjuures minu meelest ei pannud inimesed küll midagi kummalist tähele või siis jõllitasid mind ikka oma täiesti tavaliste pilkudega edasi, siis teinegi kord võib midagi poiss-sõbra riidekapist pätsata ja ennast võõraste ning natukene suuremate sulgedega ehtida!
Jacket: Kotton (Turkey)/ T-shirt: H&M/ Jeans: LTB (Turkey)/ Sunglasses: Newyorker/ Necklace: Cetin (Turkey)/ Bag: random market (Turkey)/ Sneakers: random market
Photos by Sadik 

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