White Dream

Mäletan, et juba lapsepõlves tahtsin suureks saades reisida Kreekasse, kus on päikeselised saared koos valgete majadega, mõned aastad hiljem nägin esimesi pilte Santorini sinistest kuplitest ja teadsin, et ka sinna tahan ühel päeval minna- mul on hea meel teatada, et see päev jõudis kätte eelmisel nädalal ja sellel nädalal kavatsen seda kõike teiega jagada! Enne, kui suundun reisivideo (siiski on valmis saanud vlog) ja reisipostituse juurde, näitan teile outfiti pilte, mille tegemist ma nii väga ootasin! Suvisel Tartu reisil leidsin poest endale imelise valge kleidi ja teadsin, et just see saabki olema minu Santorini kleidiks, kuigi ma polnud Kreeka elama minekus tollel hetkel veel üldse 100% kindel, panin kleidi ilusti kappi oma aega ootama. Nüüd, paar kuud hiljem, pakkisin selle käsipagasisse kaasa, et sel lõpuks sooja meretuule käes lehvida lasta. 

Ausalt öeldes oli ikka päris raske teha ilusaid pilte, kui terve Google on täis lihtsalt imelisi fotosid. Kuigi asukohta on hooaja lõpus tunduvalt kergem leida kui suvel (arvan, et paar kuud tagasi oli seal täielik hullumaja), siis tänu päikesevalgusele ja küllaltki laia kaadrit nõudvat tagaplaan pani meid päris hästi proovile. Seekord kukkusid sedamoodi pildid välja, mind natukene kripeldavad, aga we did our best- maksimalistide viga. Loodan, et teile sellegi poolest meeldivad ja küll ka mina nendega ühel hetkel leppitust teen. 

Kuidas aga meeldis mulle Santorini? Kas unistus läks reaalsusega kokku? Kus käisime ja mida tegime? Milles pettusin ja millest vaimustusin? - Sellest kõigest juba järgmises postituses!
Dress: Pull&Bear/ Sunglasses: New Yorker/ Bracelet: from Barcelona/ Watch: Rich Gone Broke (kaekellad.ee) 
Photos by Martin 

I remember how years ago I dreamed about to go to one day to Greece, where are all those lovely islands with white houses, a couple of years later I saw the first photos of  Santorini's blue roof houses and I knew that I will visit this place, too- I am so happy to announce that this day was in last week and in this week I want to share all the details about it! But before travel video (although I already have uploaded vlog) and travel post, I wanted to share some outfit photos! In last summer, while we had an shopping tour in Tartu, I found this amazing white dress and I knew that it will be my Santorini dress, although I wasn't 100% that I am even going to live in Greece, I still put this dress to my wardrobe and kept it for the trip. Now, a couple months later, I packed it to my hand luggage to finally let it shine!

I must say that it was pretty hard to do the beautiful photos, because Google is full of amazing ones. Although right now, in the end of season, it's much easier to find the shooting places (I guess, that in the summer time in Santorini is a real mad house), then thanks to the sun light and a background which requires some skills, made that photos shoot really challenging. So at this time the photos are as they are, for me not so perfect as I imagined, but we did our best. I hope, that you still like them and I soon I will be happy about them, too. 

But how I liked Santorini? Was it like I dreamed? Where did we go and what we did? Which things disappointed me and of what I was obsessed?- All about that already in next post!

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