Pop Yu Up Moepäev

Mõned on vast teist juba märganud, et oktoobri loosimine on läbi saanud, kuid mul on hea meel teatada, et november on endaga kaasa toonud uue mini-loosimise! Mõni aeg tagasi kirjutati mulle Yu Fashion Mediast ning kutsuti Yu Pop Up moepäevale, mis toimub 18. novembril Rakvere Põhjakeskuses. See päev saab olema täis ilu ja moodi, sest moepäeval saab lasta teha endale meikki, soengut, minna koos stilistiga shoppama, teha ägedaid pilte ning palju muud. Kohal on ka müügiboksid koos ilutoodetega! Lisaks toimub moeshow ning õhtul viib äge meelelahutus programm kurssi viimaste moetrendidega.
Kuna mina naudin mõnda aega veel Kreeka elu, siis kahjuks jääb mul seekord üritusele minemata, kuid selle asemel loosin Facebookis välja 10€ VIP pileti, mille eest saab kasutada erinevaid iluteenuseid! Kuna hinnad on korraldajate sõnul sellel päeval soodsad, siis usun, et selle pileti eest saab lausa mitut teenust kasutada.
Rohkem infot Pop Yu Up moepäeva kohta leiab SIIT
Ja ära siis unusta vahvast loosimisest osa võtta!

Hello guys!
This post is about fashion event which takes place in one town of Estonia. So I guess there is not much information for you, but just in case I am translating this text also to English. See you soon! 

Maybe some of you are already noticed that my blog's birthday giveaway is finished, but I have good news- November is bringing a new mini-giveaway! A while ago I got a email from Yu Fashion Media who invite me to Yu Pop Up fashion day, which takes palace in November 18 in Rakvere. This will be a day full of beauty and fashion, because in this fashion day there will be make-up artist, hairdressers and stylists. Also there will be a photo corner, tables with full of beauty products, fashion show and a cool program which shows the latest fashion trends! 
As I am still in Greece, then unfortunately I can't go to that event, but in Facebook I am giving away one 10€ VIP ticket, with what you can have some beauty services for free! The organizers said as the prices in that day are low then it is possible to use it in many ways. 
More information about the event is in HERE
And don't forget to participate in a giveaway

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