50% Good Colour Party

Esimese nädala lõpus toimus Thessas värvipidu, mis on vist kuulus kui mitte üle ilma, siis Euroopas küll, minu teada on neid isegi erinevaid versioone- küll mängib DJ lihtsalt muusikat ning iga tunni tagant visatakse õhku värvilist pulbrit, küll korraldatakse jookusüritusi jne. Seekord oli tegemist selle esimese variandiga ning kuna ma polnud kunagi ühelgi sellisel üritusel käinud ja tahtsin minna, siis mõtlesin seda just Kreekas- pühapäev oli mul niikuinii täiesti ilma plaanideta. See mõte minekust oli kokkuvõttes umbes 50% hea idee, sest meie (ma läksin sinna koos oma toakaaslase Myrtoga) sekeldused hakkasid juba bussipeatuses, mil saabus buss, mis oli paksult täis noori, kõik nagu ühe vitsa järgi riietatud valgesse pluusi ja teksastesse (valge värv oli üritusel enam-vähem kohustuslik). Kuna pidu toimus linnast väljas, kahe bussisõidu kagusel (u 40-60 minutit), siis võite ise ette kujutada kui tore ja kui palju õhku ning trügimist seal bussis oli, arvestades seda, et kraadiklaas näitas väljas pea 30 kraadi sooja. Okei, bussisõit bussisõiduks, proovisime selle kogemuse unustada ning liikusime kiirelt sissepääsu poole, sest kell oli peagi täistundi tiksumas, mis tähendas järjekordset värvisadu, reaaslsus oli aga see, et jõudsime vaevu kohale alles järgmiseks värvisajuks, sest järjekorras tuli seista pea tund aega, umbes nii hästi see üritus korraldatud olidki. Peale kogu seda ootamist olime siiski elevil saades kätte oma pulbrikoti, tahtsime mõlemad vähemalt ühe juurde osta, aga see järjekord oli veel pikem kui eelmine, niiet suundusime rahavamassi tantsima (et ikka võimalikult värviseks saada). Ausalt, muusika oli hea, kindlasti üle keskmise ja need värvid, eriti ühise viskamise ajal, olid ka väga super lahed (okei, esimene minut tundub natukene. nagu kohe hakkaks ära lämbuma selle tolmu sisse, aga hei, ise ma sinna ronisin), aga need inimesed minu ümber ei olnud just kõige parem seltskond. Nagu arvata võis, siis oli kohale tulnud väga, väga palju teismelisi (ma pakun et u 90% olid alaealised), mis tähendas väga palju trügimist, koolikotiga virutamisi, seljaselamisi ja veepudelite tühjendamist täiesti võõraste inimeste peale ja kogu nende tühjade värvikottide maha loopimist. Ma ei ole ammu käinud sellisel üritusel, kus oleks olnud nii palju teismelisi ja kohe kindlasti üritan ma neid nüüd vältida, aga nagu ma ütlesin ka vlogis, inimesed on erinevad ja üldiselt ei mul endast noortemate inimeste vastu midagi, ma tean ju ise ka väga toredaid teismelisi, aga ausalt, selle 2 tunni jooksul jõudsin ma nii mõnegi peale midagi mitte just kõige ilusamat eesti keeles käratada. Ja õhtu lõpetuseks ootas meid ees muidugi kenasti täispressitud buss tagasi koju. Niisiis lühidalt öeldes minu esimese vabaõhu peo kohta- loved the colours, liked music and hated the crowd! 
Uute seiklusteni!

In the end of first week there was a colour party in Thessa, which is know at least all over the Europe (maybe also in the world, I am not sure about that), as much as I know there's also different versions of them- in some of them the DJ is just playing the music and in every hour people throw the colours to the air, in some of events people are running and so on.  At this time it was the music version one and as I always have been wanted to go there, then I thought why not to do it now, I didn't had any plans on Sunday anyway. The idea to go there was around 50% good, because our (I went there with my flatmate Myrto) troubles already started in the bus stop, when we saw the bus full of people who all wore the white T-shirt and short jeans (the white was a kind of obligation colour to wear on that party). As the party was held outside of the city, then we needed two busses to go there (it took around 40-60 minutes), so you can imagine how much "fun" and how much air and pushing there was, ou and it was around 30 degrees outside. Okay, we finally managed to go there and we just tried to forgot those rides and move fast to the entrance, because soon there was the colours throwing, but in reality we arrived there for the next one (an hour later), because for that long we waited in the line- well organized party, right? Still after all that waiting we were quite excited, while we got our first colour bag, so we wanted to buy some more, but while we saw the line which was longer than was the last one the we just went to have some fun on the "dancing floor". Really, the music was good and those colours were also super awesome, especially while we trowed them all together (true, for one minute I felt that I can't breathe, but well I could stay in some not so crowded place, too). Basically the thing, what I most hated about this party, was the crowd. There were a lot of teenagers (I guess that around 90% were under 18), which ment that there was a lot of pushing, throwing with the backpacks, dancing on the peoples back's, throwing the water to the crowd and trowing the empty colour bags to the ground. I haven't been for a long time in the events like this, I mean where are a lot of teenagers and I guess I will avoid them more now, yes, people are different and usually I don't have any bad feelings about teenagers, I know some really lovely ones, but honestly, in that 2 hours what I spent in there I just needed to say some not so nice things to some people, but I made it in Estonian :) And the evening ended ofc with the "lovely" bus rides back. So yeah- I loved the colours, liked the music and hated to crowd.
See you until the new adventures! 

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