Cherry Bomb


Kui eelmine kord kirjutasin, et muutsin oma suve lõppu vürtsisemaks ühe vahva pildistamisega, siis paar päeva enne pildistamist käin üle tüki aja juuksuris ka juukseid värvimas, mis oli omamoodi uus kogemus. Mul olnud väga pikka aega arvamus, et mul pole vaja juuksuris käia, sest tädi lõikas kenasti juukseotsi (millega, ta sai väga kenast hakkama) ja noh... juukseid värvisin ma ise. Ühel hetkel aga mõtlesin, et võiks ikka oma juustele natukene head teha ja niimoodi lasingi seekord juukseotsi blondeerida ühes väga heas salongis, mis andis tunduvalt ilusama ülemineku, kuigi minu jaoks jäi alguses blondi liiga väheseks. Peale värvimist tabas mind aga ootamatu olukord, kus juuksur pakkus, et ta lõikab siis juuksed juba veits järku (mul olid juukseotsad ühel tasandil)- kuna värvi tulemus pidi niimoodi parem välja tulema, siis lubasin käärid käiku lasta. Ja nüüd mulle tunduvadki endale juuksed palju lühemad, mis tegelikult andis juustele ka kohevust juurde ja peale mõningast harjumist on täitsa toredad. Kuigi alguses ei olnud ma rahul värvi ning hinnaga (ootamatult kulus raha väga palju, arvatavasti värvi tõttu), siis tegelikult on aeg-ajalt ikkagi mõnus tuututamas käia ja kindlasti leidub ka odavamaid ja häid salonge, kuhu järgmine kord pöörduda. Niimoodi tuulutamas käies ostsin ühel teisel päeval endale ka uue vinge body, mille üle on mul ääretult hea meel ning mille muidugi kohe Kristeli pildistamise kaasa võtsin. Ja nüüd jagangi teiega pilte pildistamise teisest ehk viimasest osast! Varsti-varsti rohkem jutte juba Kreekast!

Body: Crop/ Jeans: Primark (Dresden)/ Jacket: Pull&Bear/ Sneakers: Primark (Dresden)/ Necklace: Väike Ingel+DIY/ Watch: Rich Gone Broke/ Bracelet: SECO
Photos by Pahkelphoto
As in last time I wrote, that I made my end of summer more fun by having a photoshoot, then there were also some more events. For example a couple of days before the photoshoot I went to a hair salong to colour my hair, which I haven't done for years, I mean colouring my hair by hairdresser. For a long time I had opinion that I don't need to go to hair salong, because my aunt was cutting my hair tips (which she made very well) and well... I coloured my hair by my-self. But in one moment I thought that maybe it is better idea to let to do it by hairdresser, so I ended up in one very good salong, where I got a nice blending but unfortunately it wasn't enough blond for me (at least in the beginning). After colouring the hairdresser suggested that she could also cut my hair a bit to different layers (I had hair tips all in one line), because then the result will be better, so I said yes. And that's how I got a bit shorter hair which for me were too short (long hair person problems), but actually after some time I got used with them. So as in the beginning I didn't like the colour and the price (it was a lot more expensive that I thought it will be), then it is still nice to have something fresh by time to time and I am pretty sure that somewhere is also a nice hair salong which is not s expensive. So that's how I also got this cool body, it just happened in one other day while I was refreshing my-self with shopping, I like that body so much that I took it with me to the photoshoot with Kristel. So now it's time to share the second and last part of that photoshoot! And very soon I will share my first emotions about Greece!

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