A Day in Tartu

Täna oli minu päris (õige) esimese töökoha viimane päev, ei lahti mind ei lastud, vaid tegelikult oli see töö juba algusest peale määratud nii lühikene olema. Mis aga edasi, sellest pikemalt juba siis, kui asjad on 100% kindlad, kuid vihjeks annan, et suund on võetud välismaa poole ning tegelikult on isegi piletid juba ostetud. Praegu heidame aga pilgu tagasi eelmisele nädalavahetusele, mil perega Tartut külastasime. Tegemist oli just selle sama päevaga, mil meid tõeline suvi külastas, niisiis oli riietepoodi mõneks ajaks päris hea peitu pugeda, kust ma muidugi jälle paar (väga ilusat ja lahedat!!!) hilpu koju tassisin. Peale seda suundusime aga kesklinna sööma, kui korraga avastasime ennast tänava toidu- ja veinifestivalilt, kuna kõhud oli tühjad, otsustasime siiski juba etteplaneeritud söögikoha kasuks, kuid kuna söögi ootamisega läks mõnusalt aega, siis kasutasime Liisega head võimalust teha blogi jaoks natukene pilte. Veel eelmisel õhtul oli mul plaan kanda täiesti teistsugust outfiti, kuid hommikul polnud mul üldse tuju nende riietega minna, seega sorteerisin oma pisikese (peamised riided on teises kodus) riidekapi läbi ning panin kokku uue komplekti, mis sisaldas ka pükse, mida ma olingi enne seda päeva ainult ühe korra kandnud. Kui eelmine kord teises kodus käisin, siis pakkisin endale kaasa mitu head riideeset, mida ma pole kaua või olen liiga vähe kandud- mul on hea meel, et sellise diili tegin, sest taasavastamise rõõmu on oi kui palju olnud! Ja nii ma nende pükstega Tartusse läksingi, kuna too hommik oli mul selline eriti katsetamise tuju sees, tegime tädiga kahepeale kokku sellise nunnu soengu ning musta laineri asemel kasutasin jõuludeks saadud sinist lainerit, mida olen samuti ainult paar korda kandud, kuid mille värv mulle tegelikult väga väga meeldib. Ka huuled võõpasin oma uue NYX matti huuleläikega? üle, sest minu nunnu Golden Rose on otsa saanud ja Eestist pole ma veel seda kohta leidnud, kus nende tootetid müüakse, niiet kui keegi teab, siis olen üks suur suur kõrv :). Tartu õhtu lõppes aga meil Kollase Kassi suvekooli etendusega, mis pani mind jälle Lavaka järgi vesistama, ja päris õhtul nautisime, mina pooleldi hirmuga võideldes, seda ilusat äikesemängu, mille osaliseks vist pea kõik eestlased said. Ja vot selline vahva ka katsetamisrikas päev meil oligi! 
Nautige siis neid järelejäänud augustipäevi veel täiega ja varsti näeme!

 Top: from Konya/ Trousers: Terranova/ Sneakers: Italyna/ Sunglasses: from Konya/ Necklace: Stradivarius (Iasi/Romania) Bracelets: from Barcelona (white) and Väike Ingel/ Watch: kaekellad.ee (Rich Gone Broke
Photos by Lisette Liise 

Today was the last day in my first real working place, no, they didn't fire me, from the beginning it was planned as the summer job and I managed it! As I'm not 100% sure of the autumn plans I will not speak about it, I just can mention that hopefully it will be related with abroad, because I already have bought the airplane tickets! But right now let's turn back to the last weekend, while I visited Tartu with my family. It was the day (the only one in this summer!) while we had over 30 degrees, so it was pretty nice to spend some time in the shopping center, from where I got some new super pretty and awesome things (on the other hand I feel a bit bad for buying so many new clothes, but I really love those new things <3). After that we went to city center to have some lunch, in there we also walked around a bit in the street food and wine festival, but we sticked to our first plan to eat in one cool eating place. Until we waited our food me and Liise walked a bit around to make some photos for the blog. The night before the trip I had the plan the wear one nice outfit, but in the morning I didn't like this idea anymore, so I opened my small closet (most of my clothes are in my other home) and put together the new outfit, which also consisted the trousers which I guess before that day I had worn only once. While I visited my other home in last time, I made a deal with my-self - I took with me mostly these kind of clothes which I haven't worn a very long time or which I have wore only once or twice, it was a wonderful idea, because it has been such a fun to rediscover them! So with those trousers I went to Tartu, as in that morning I had a weird mood to experiment a lot, then me and my aunt made my hair, which looks so cool; instead of black eye liner I used the blue one, which I also have worn only 2 or 3 times before, although I love this colour so much! I also used my new NYX matte lip cream, because my lovely Golden Rose one is completely empty and I still haven't found the shop in Estonia which sells their products :(. But the day in Tartu ended with the the Yellow Cat summer camp play, which reminded me the times while I wanted to go to acting school, in the evening we enjoyed (and I also scared) a great thunder which occupied the whole Estonia for a day. So yeah, this was our lovely day in Tartu!
Enjoy the every day and see you soon!

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