3rd Month in Usti


Uskumatu, et aeg on käes juba kolmandast kuust rääkida. Niisiis, aprill...
Aprill möödus kindlalt reisimise tähe all, välisriikidest külastasime Slovakkiat (Bratislava), Ungarit (Budapest) ja Austriat (Viin). Tänu CzechIt võistlusele tuli meil päris palju reise ette ka Tšehhis, mille eest ma olen ääretult tänulik, sest nägime nii lahedaid kohti, mille olemasolust me ilma selle võistluseta poleks teadnuki, etteruttavalt võin öelda, et eriti pingeliseks muutus võistluse poolest aprilli lõpp ja mai algus, sest tänase seisuga on vaid nädal võistluse lõpuni jäänud ja hetkel oleme ühe teise grupiga küllaltki tasavägises seisus, niiet võitja on veel täiesti lahtine. 
Kuna reisisme suhteliselt palju ning meie mentorit vaevasid terviseprobleemid, siis praktika oli aprillis veidi teisejärguline, küll aga õppisin siiski igast vahetusest midagi ning mais on olukord vast veidi parem. Samuti oli meil ka meie ainukese õppeaine (practical biostatistics) eksam, mille ma sooritasin maksimumhindele, kuigi tunnid ja eksam ei olnud eriti keerukad, küll oli seda aga õppeprotsess, siis olen siiski enda üle uhke, et ma reaalselt sain aru ainest, mida õpetati inglise keeles! Minu jaoks andis see palju enesekindlust juurde! 
Aprill tõi endaga kaasa ka mu sünnipäeva, mis osutuks palju vahvamaks, kui ma oodata oskasin, nimelt tehti mulle mu elu esimene üllatuspidu, mis oli lihtsalt nii armas, et ma tänase päevani kallistaksin kõik need armsad inimesed pooleks! 
Kuu ürituseks võib vast pidada paar nädalat tagasi toimunud Erasmus+ kohalikku festivali, kus paljud Erasmused valmistasid oma kodumaa toite ning mõned neist rääkisid oma Erasmuse kogemusest. Ka mina olin üks nendest, kes rääkis oma eelmisest Erasmuse elust. Kuigi ilm oli megakülm, siis tegelikult oli see päris tore üritus! 
Huvitav, mida on mail pakkuda?

Ning kui kellegi on endiselt huvi vaadata lähemalt minu Erasmuse tegemisi, siis kindlasti külastage mu Youtube kanalit!

Samuti on teil võimalik hääletada minu poolt Eesti Blogiauhindade 2017 hääletusvoorus, sellel aastal olen esindatud ILU- JA MOEBLOGIDE kategoorias. Ma olen iga hääle eest meeletult tänulik, sest just teie tagasiside aitab mul seda blogi edasi viia!

I can't believe that it's already time to speak about the third month! So, April...
April was for sure the month of travelling, for example we visited Slovakia (Bratislava), Hungary (Budapest) and Austria (Vienna). Thanks to CzechIt challenge we also traveled quite a lot in Czech Republic, I am really glad that we are taking apart from this competition, because without it we never wouldn't know about those amazing places which we have seen. I also can say that the end of April and beginning of May has been really intense for me, because from today there is only a week left until the end of the competition and we are pretty equal with one other team, so the winner is not sure yet. 
As we traveled quite lot and our hospital mentor had some health problems, then we had a few shifts in hospital, but at least in every time I studied something and I hope that May will be a bit more active. Also we had our only school subject (practical biostatisitcs) exam, where I got the highest mark, although the lessons and exam were quite easy (but the studying process took some time) then I am really proud that I understood a subject which was given me in English. I got a lot self-confident thanks to that! 
April is also my birthday month and my birthday was much more better than I hoped, for example I had the first surprise party in my life, it was so cute, that I'd still like to hug those people and say how grateful I am! 
The event of the month was a local Erasmus+ Festival, where most of the Erasmus students were preparing their homeland food and some Erasmsus people were talking about their Erasmus experience. I was one of those Erasmus people, who talked about my previous Erasmus experience. Although the weather was super cold then it was still a nice event! 
And now it is time to see, what the May will offer! 

And if you still want to see more about my Erasmus life, then for sure check out my Youtube channel!

Also you have a change to give me a vote in Estonian Bloggers Awards 2017, at this year I am in ILU- JA MOEBLOGID (beauty- and fashion blogs) category. 

*Find ILU- JA MOEBLOGID category
*Find my blog kellykivirand.com
*Confirm it with HÄÄLETAN (voting) button!

I am so grateful foe every single vote, because your feedback is giving me motivation to work with this blog!


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