Afternoon in the White House


Pea 2 nädalat tagasi külastasime Slovakkia pealinna Bratislavat ning kuna mu Desktop juba karjub, et ma siia midagi kirjutaksin (sest nii saan Desktopi kaustadest veidi tühjemaks), siis alustuseks tahaksingi teiega jagada ühte toredat outfiti postitust otse Slovakkia presidendi tagaaiast! Reisile tuli kaasa võtta muidugi võimalikult vähe riideid, aga kuna tegemist oli siiski ikkagi minu jaoks uue ja ilusa linnaga, siis surusin oma nahksesse seljakotti ka paar uut nunnut. Seeliku ostsin ma sellel samal mustal päeval, mis mul Erasmuse alguspäevil oli ning mis kiiresti tuli poodlemisega ilusamaks teha, minu jaoks on tegemist pigem mugavustsoonist väljas riideesemega, sest ma pole ei selliste pikkuste seelikute kui ka nahkesemetega eriti sõber (kuigi ma väga tahaks seda!). Seda täiesti klassikalist pluusi jahtisin ma aga küllaltki kaua, hoolimata sellest, et mulle aastaid sellised kõrge krae ja pikkade varrukatega esemed ei meeldinud (ja siis neid kummalisel kombel järksu vägagi armatama hakkasin), igastahes leidsin ma selle pluusikese ühel ilusal päeval ilusa allahinnatud summaga riidepuul rippumas ja järgmisel hetkel ta mu ajutise kodu poole rändaski!
Kuidas mulle Bratislava meeldis ning mis tasuks selles linnas kindlasti külastada, saate teada juba järgmises postituses, seniks aga püüan mina ellu jääda öises haiglavahetuses!

Blouse: New Yorker/ Skirt: New Yorker/ Shoes: Shu/ Sunglasses: New Yorker/ Necklace: Väike Ingel+DIY
Photos by Olaf

Almost a 2 weeks ago I had a trip to Slovakia capital Bratislava and as my laptop Desktop is already screaming to write a some posts to here (because in this way I can clean my Desktop a bit), then I'd like to share one lovely outfit post straight from president of Slovakia backyard! Well, for the trip I needed to take as few clothes as possible, but as Bratislava was for me the new and pretty city then I packed some of my new items also to my leather(ish) backpack. I bought this skirt on that black day which I had in the beginning of my Erasmus time in Usti and which I made better with shopping, for me this skirt is rather out of my comfort zone, because usually I don't have a good relations with these under-the-knee type skirts and leather clothes (but I'd really like to wear them more!). But I hunted this totally classical blouse for a quite long time, unless for a years I didn't like the blouses like this at all (and now in some weird way I adore them), so in one beautiful day I found that blouse with a beautiful sale price and in the next moment it was already in my temporary home!
But how I liked Brtaislava and which places you should visit, will be (hopefully) in the next post, until then I will try to survive my night shift in the hospital!

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