A piece of everything

On last Friday I was thinking that while I will get my last exam mark of this school, I will make a new post, not about school, but just a new post. But I got tired of that waiting, so here I am, maybe it works the other way, I will make a post and then the mark comes.
Actually this post is connected with school more than other ones, because after 3 months I hopefully graduate my school, which is a bit scary, because last 15 years I have been student and most of my life has been connected with school, but on the other hand I just can't wait to be free! Also we made those photos next to my school, I promise that my uni doesn't look so scary, actually it is in peaceful place middle of block of flats which has made in Soviet Union times. On that day I also made new documents, which are also connected with my future plans, can't wait to tell about them!
But this violet dress I got from Ülemiste (one shopping center in Tallinn) where I actually went to check out the new glasses, but in the next moment I found my-self standing in the H&M, holding this discounted dress. Yeap, I have a problem, it wouldn't be so bad if I would buy jeans or sweaters, which wouldn't make my granny to roll her eyes, but no, I love dresses too much! At least it is a violet dress, with a super pretty back part, which because of awful weather I wasn't able to show. This was also one of the firsts times while I was wearing this leather jacket in blog and also in real life, because the whole summer I was in love with (and I still am) my denim jacket and in my trips I took a light green jacket with me, it was just so easy to pack and it was a wind-proof one. Secondly I still feel a bit weird to wear the leather jacket, it is just not me, but when I want to feel like badass, then it is a perfect item what to wear, at least a couple of weeks ago it was, because right now I am dreaming only of my warm parka.
But to you I am sending a bunch of big hugs, take care!  

Edit: And finally I got my exam mark, it was positive!
Ma mõtlesin reedel, et selle kooli viimase eksami hinde teada saamise puhul teen ka uue postituse, mitte koolist, aga lihtsalt uue sissekande, mida aga pole, on see õnnetu hinne ja ma väsisin seda ootamast. Seega siin on uus postitus ilma tulemuseta, äkki töötab see süsteem vastupidi ja peale postitust tuleb ka see kauaoodatud hinne. 
Seekordne teema on üldse natukene kooli keskne, sest mul on jäänud umbes kolm kuud veel ametlikult tudeng olla, mis on ühest küljest nii hirmutav, sest viimased 15 aastat olen ma siiski eelkõige õpilane olnud ja kogu mu elu on peamiselt sellele baseerunud, aga teisest küljest ma lihtsalt ei jaksa enam oodata, millal ma saan nendest rakmetest vabaks! Ka antud outfit on tegelikult täpselt mu kooli kõrval tehtud (luban, et õppeasutus selline välja ei näe ja tegelikult asub see väga rahulikus kohas keset Mustamäe paneelmaju). Tol päeval käisin ka enda dokumente uuendamas seoses tulevikuplaanidega, millest ma loodetavasti saan juba varsti ka teile rääkida!
Selle violetse kleidi ostsin aga täiesti juhuslikult Ülemistest, kuhu tegelikult uusi prille vaatama läksin, järgmisel hetkel avastasin ennast aga H&M-i kassast, see allahinnatud kleit käes. Jep, mul on probleeme, vaataks ma vähemalt sellisel aastajal siis endale korralikud teksad või kampsuni, mille peale ei peaks vanaema silmi pööritama, aga ei, mul on vaja endiselt hunnikutes kleite kokku osta. Vähemalt on tegu violetse kleidiga ja sellel on üliilus selja osa, mida ma ropu ilma tõttu kahjuks näidata ei saanud. See on vist ka üks esimesi kordi, kus ma blogis nahktagi kannan, tegelikult polnud ma seda ka päris elus eriti rohkem teinud, sest terve suve paelus mind mu teksatagi ja reisidele oli hea kaasa võtta õhukene aga tuulekindel kilejope. Teiseks on mul endiselt veidi veider sellist asja kanda, see kuidagi ei ole mina, aga kui mul jälle mõni päev tuleb tuju selline vähe rohkem badass olla, siis sobib teksatagi selle jaoks imeliselt, vähemat veel paar nädalat tagasi sobis, kuid praegu unistan vaid oma soojast parkast.
Teie poole saadan teele aga suured kallid teile ja hoidke ennast ikka soojas! 

Edit: Ja nagu naksti tuli ka see eksami hinne koos positiivse sooritusega! 

Leather jacket: from Käthrine/ Dress: H&M/ Scarf: Terranova/ Boots: H&M/ Choker: Cetin (Tureky)/ Earrings: from Turkey
Photos by Grete

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