Next Stop: Romania (Bucharest & Constanta)

It's time to show those wonderful moments and places, which I got from Romania. As I mentioned in last post, that I had very intensive trip, then today I will share the impressions only of Bucharest,  which know as capital and of Constanta, which known as a holiday city.
Have fun! 

Bucharest and Constanta, Romania

Duration of trip:
Bucharest: half a day
Constanta: 2 days 

Travelling to destination:
Bucharest: By plane from Tallinn to Milano and from Milano to Bucharest.
*Plus: At this time I was flying with Ryanair, which tickets I bought middle of July and thanks to sale they were super cheap.
*Minus: I didn't find any direct flights from Tallinn to Romania, so for sure there will be at least two flights with spending some time in the airport, for example in the both way (going and coming) I needed to wait 6 hours in Milano. As it was cheap flight company, then every extra move costs, also luggage (except the cabin one) and food. As Romania is not in Schengen area then there were passport controls in Milano and Bucharest, but it is fine to show the ID-card. 
Constanta: By car from Bucharest.
*Plus: Thanks to my Erasmus friend I spend a lot of time riding with cars instead of buses, which helped me to save some money and time. The ride from Bucharest to Constanta  took around 3-4 hours, at that time I was sleeping, but while I opened my eyes for a second I saw some pretty views, unfortunately I don't remember the details.
*Minus: As I was sleeping, then I can't complain about nothing. 

About local life: 
*The local money is leu (1 euro= around 4,5 leus), it is made of plastic, so it impossible to rip or crumple it! How cool is that! 
*At the beginning of September the weather is still very pretty, in my trip time it was all the time sunny and hot ( around 30 degrees, except in mountains, where were a bit colder). But still it is end of the season, which means that there's not so many tourists anymore.
*It is not a problem to speak in English, people understands.
*Romania is a country, where most of a people belongs to orthodox religion.
*The roads can be quite broken, it is quite poor country (compared with other Europe countries).
*It is almost impossible to find any post cards, I found the first ones almost in the end of trip, although I searched every day.
*As Romania is cheaper that Estonia, then the capital was more expensive than other cities.
Constanta is an holiday city, where people prefer to go to beach not to take an cultural trips.  

As I spend there only a half of day, then I didn't need any accommodation, except on the last night which I spent in airport.
Constanta: As all the time of this trip I had sleeping place in my friends' homes or their family/friends' homes then it was the same with Constanta, too. But I know that there's a big hotels area, where for sure are some good offers. Also there is a double decker which takes and bring people from city center to that area, the one way ticket costs 5 leus. 

Bucharest: In Bucharest we took a double decker which made a little tour around the city center, the day ticket costed 25 leus and with that money was also possible to get headphones to listen some information. My favourite places were the parliament house, which is the world second biggest administrative building (the biggest one is Pentagon in USA) and the Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral, I liked all of the churches. For those who has some more time in Bucharest, I recommend to take nice walks, probably those two places were my favourites thanks to opportunity to walk around them. I guess the church doors are opened in every day, but the parliament house is opened only a couple times in year, for special occasions.
Constanta: In Constanta I had a bit more time to look around, but as I said it is more an holiday city, then there wasn't so many thing what to see. My favourites were the old casino house, which is just amazingly beautiful, it is also the main touristic place. We also visited the local mosque, where's an opportunity to go to minaret (tickets for students were 3 leus) and check the view. In that mosque the female tourists doese'nt need to wear any long skirt or wear a scarf, which for me was very weird and wrong, but I guess for normal people it is a good solution. 

Place to eat:
Bucharest: Before the  city tour we ate in Chinese restaurant called Five Elements (Cinci Elemente), at least that says the Google Maps, because thanks to stomach ache which I had in the first morning, I forgot to make the photos. The portions were big and delicious as in my opinion in any other Chinese restaurant and the price were a bit expensive.
 Constanta: From Costanta I remember the place called Papa Ricardo, where where nice pizzas and delicious oreo and banana milkshake. The prices were good (pizza were around 20-25 leus) and it was so cozy to sit outside and look the passing people. This place is also near to old casino house, mosque and Black Sea.
Free time
Bucharest: As probably you are already noticed, then I hadn't so many free time in Bucharest, but I saw some big shopping centers and I believe that the night life is also awesome. For sure there's many things to do. 
Constanta: In Constanta I made one of my dreams real, I swam in the Black Sea and also enjoyed the sun on the beach. In the hotels area called Mamaia has also a lot of entertainment places, for example there is an amusement park (one ticket to attraction costed 12 leus), but this place is opened only in summer season time. In this area there's also an aqua park and there's also an opportunity to drive with a cable car (ticket for student was 20 leus). I had a good chance to see an exposition of ships, where were also some ships from other countries. Unfortunately this event lasted only 3 days. As a holiday city there's a lot of entertainment!   

So those were my first days in Romania, I hope that you got some more information and enjoyed this little tour. Soon about the new cities!


Aeg on näidata teile neid imelisi hetki ja kohti, mille osaks ma Rumeenias sain. Nagu ma eelmisest postituses mainisin, siis tegemist ja külastamist oli palju, seega jagan täna muljeid pealinnast Bukarestist ja tähtsamaist kuurortlinnas Constantast.
Have fun!

Bukarest ja Constanta, Rumeenia

Reisi kestvus:
Bukarest: pool päeva
Constanta: kaks päeva 

Sihtkohta reisimine:

Bukarest: Lennukiga marsruudil Tallinn-Milano-Bukarest
*Pluss: Sellel korral lendasin Ryanairiga, mille piletid sain juuli keskel super soodsalt.
*Miinus: Mina otselende Tallinnast Rumeeniasse ei leidnud, seega tuleb olla valmis ümberistumiseteks ning võimalikeks ootamisteks lennujaamades, näiteks pidin mõlemal korral (nii tulles kui minnes) Milanos 6 tundi ootama. Kuna tegemist on odavlennufirmaga, siis kõige lisa eest tuleb maksta k.a pagasid (v.a käsipagas) ning toit. Kuna Rumeenia pole Schengen riikide nimekirjas (kuid on EU nimekirjas) pidin nii Milanos kui Bukarestis läbima passikontrolli, kus on lubatud ka ID-kaardi kasutamine.
Constanta: Autoga Bukarestist
*Pluss: Tänu oma Erasmuse sõbrale sõitsime üldse palju aega autoga, mis säästis minu jaoks raha ning aega. Bukarestist Constatansse on autoga umbes 3-4 tundi sõitu, mille mina kõik ilusti maha magasin. Vahepeal sekundiks silmi avades nägin ka paari ilusat vaadet, kuid täpsemad detailid on kaduma läinud.
*Miinus: Kuna ma sellel ajal iluund tegin, siis kahjuks ei oska ma ühtegi miinust välja tuua.

Kohalik eripära:
*Kohalikuks rahaks on leud (1 euro = u 4,5 leud), mis on tehtud plastiust, ehk seda ei saa katki rebida või kortsutada!
*Ka septembri alguses on ilmad veel väga ilusad, minu reisi ajal paistis päike iga päev ning temperatuur oli tavaliselt 30 kraadi ringis v.a mägedes kus oli veidi jahedam. Siiski on tegemist hooaja lõpuga ning turiste on tavapärasest vähem.
*Inglise keeles rääkimine ei ole selles riigis probleemiks.
*Tegu on maaga, kus enamus rahvast on õigeusku.
*Teed on küllaltki auklikud, tegu on üpriski vaese riigiga.
*Postkaarte on pea võimatu leida, mina leidsin alles peaaegu reisi lõpus, kuigi olin iga päev otsinud.
*Kuigi Rumeenias on hinnad odavam kui Eestis, siis pealinnale kohaselt on ülejäänud linnadega Bukarest kallim.
*Constanta on täielik kuurortlinn, kus pigem minnakse randa päevitama kui kultuuri avastama.

Bukarest: Vähese aja tõttu ma Bukarestis ei ööbinud, kui välja arvata viimast ööd, mille veetsin lennujaamas.
Constanta: Nagu terve selle reisi jooksul, ööbisin ma alati oma sõprade või sõprade pere/tuttavate juures, seega ei oska ma majutuskohtdest või nende hindadest eriti rääkida, kuid tean, et Constantas on kuurortlinnale kohaselt olemas hotellide rajoon, kust kindlasti võib leida soodasid pakkumisi. Samuti viib ja toob sinna kesklinnast päris tihedalt kahekordne buss, mille üheotsa pilet maksab 5 leud. 

Bukarest: Bukarestis võtsime kahekordse turistibussi, mille päevapileti hinnaks oli 25 leud, selle hinna sees oli võimalik ka kõrvaklappe saada, et kuulda infot nähtu kohta. Minu lemmikkohtadeks olid suuruselt teine maailmas olev valitsushoone (suurem on ainult USA Pentagon) ning Romanian Patriarchal Cathedral, üldse on jäid mulle väga paljud ilusad kirikud silma. Kellel rohkem aega, soovitan pikema jalutuskäigu ette võtta, arvatavasti said need kohad minu lemmikuteks just tänu võimalusele nende ümber jalutada. Kirikut saab ka seest vaadata, kuid parlamendihoonesse pidavat saama ainult eriliste päevade puhul.
Constanta: Constantas oli mul aga veidi rohkem aega ümbrust uurida, kuid nagu ma ütlesin, siis tegemist on pigem puhkuse kui kultuuri linnaga, seega jäid sellest linnast sõelale vana kasiino hoone, mis on lihtsalt nii tohutult ilus ning ühtasi ka linna vaadatuim turismimagnet. Samuti külastasime kohaliku mošeed, kus on ka võimalus minaretti minna (õpilastele on pilet 3 leud)  ning linnale üks kaunis vaade heita. Seal mošees ei ole vaja naissoost turistidel pikki kleiti ning rätikuid kanda, mis minule oli küll väga harjumatu ja vale, kuid turistidele on see vist hea lahendus? 

Bukarest: Enne linnatuuri külastasime hiina restorani, nimega Cinci Elemnte (Five Elements), vähemalt seda ütleb Google Maps, sest ma unustasin oma meeletu kõhuvalguga, mis mind just esimesel Rumeenia hommikul ootamatult tabas, pilti teha. Portsijnoid olid suured, nagu hiina restoranile kohased ning ka hinnad oli keskpärasest kallimad, vähemalt nii ma mäletan.
Constanta: Constantast jäi mulle meelde koht nimega Papa Ricardo, kus pakuti mõnusat pitsat ning megehead oreo ja banaani milkshake'i. Hinnad olid täiesti taskukohased (pitsa 20-25 leu ringis)  ning õues istudes ja tänaval inimesi vaadates tekkis nii mõnus suve ja puhkuse tunne, samuti oli see lähedal nii mošeele, vanale kasiino majale kui ka merele.
Bukarest: Nagu te isegi aru olete saanud, siis ega mul palju vaba aega Bukrestis polnud, kuid nägin nii mõndagi kaubanduskeskust ning ma usun, et ka ööelu on seal päris tore. Kindlasti leiab võimalusi palju, kui vaid otsida.
Constanta: Constantas täitsin oma reisi ühe eesmärkides- pista varbad Musta merre, tegelikult läksin kohe päris ujuma ning liival peesitan ka veidi. Samuti on hotellipiirkonnas nimega Mamaia meelelahutust küllaga, näiteks asub seal lõbustuspark, mille ühe atarakstooni pileti hind oli u 12 leud ning mis on avatud vaid suve hooajal. Samuti on Mamaias veepark ning võimalus sõita cabel cariga (mul pole halli aimugi, kuidas seda eesti keeles nimetatakse), mille pilet õpilasele on 20 leud. Minul avanes ka erakordne võimalus külastada laevanäitust, kuhu olid sõitnud teiste riikide uhked laevad. Kahjuks kestis nimetatud üritus vaid 3 päeva. Kuurotlinnana on seal meelelahutust palju! 

Just sellised olidki minu esimesed päevad soojas Rumeenias! Loodan, et saite veidi rohkem teada, varsti jutustan juba uute linnade kohta!

Photos by me and Elena

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