Moedemm 2013

Last month I wrote about my
favourite collections, which are made by young designers.
So, some time ago
I got an amazing opportunity
to be a model
in one of these collections.
It was great!
Mattis Meekler "Siluett": 

Eelmisel kuul jagasin teiega oma lemmikuid
noorte disainerite kollektsioone
ning mõni aeg tagasi
avaneski mulle suurepärane võimalus
olla ise ühes sellises kollektsioonis modell.
Väga lahe kogemus oli!
Mattis Meekler "Siluett":

1 comment

  1. hey there, u've got a gr8 blog.. want to follow eachother?,if so follow me and let me know i'll follow back for sure. we can also follow in facebook,lookbook,twitter and instagram. let me know,i alwz follow back. :)


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